• 3 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 19th, 2024


  • Tbh, as a current Artix user, I think the Artix documentation is lacking. Their full disk encryption installation guide doesn’t have any UEFI instructions and while they have a wiki, it definitely doesn’t cover a lot of the things that differ from systemd, which is the purpose of the Artix Wiki, ie to cover everything from Arch Wiki which needs to be changed without systemd. I get most of my info from the Artix forums. I even used the Arch wiki installation guide for installing Artix instead of Artix Wiki’s installation guide (it’s only like 3 commands that are different, they use basestrap instead of pacstrap and you install a different init system with basestrap, they use fstabgen instead of genfstab, and artix-chroot instead of arch-chroot (that last one should be obvious though)). I still like the distro ofc, otherwise I wouldn’t use it, but I think it’s lacking in good documentation. Maybe that’s just my perspective after being spoiled by the Arch Wiki for so long though lol. I can’t really speak for many distros though, I’ve not daily-driven many

  • Any distro that’s well-documented is not a big deal to install and use. Never understood the big deal people used to make (still do sometimes? though I think it’s mostly ironic now) about Arch. I did my first install Arch when I was kinda a dumbass but I just read the wiki (very thorough, btw, still use that wiki nearly daily) and followed the instructions. Especially with Arch, the wiki is so informative it explains the things you don’t know so you understand what you’re doing even though when I first installed Arch I didn’t know what an fstab file was, what the initramfs was, etc. I’ll disclaim that I’ve not installed Gentoo myself, but I hear from people who have installed it that it’s very well documented, so makes sense that newcomers could install and use it if they’re willing to read and learn.

  • I agree with the people who say you should go back to Windows.

    Apps install like I expect from a Windows machine and uninstall the same way.

    Different operating systems work differently. There are several projects to get (GNU/)Linux to work more like Windows, but if your goal is to be like Windows, you won’t get any better than, well, Windows. I, like most Linux users, think the way Windows does things is terrible, and I’m on Linux precisely because of the differences with proprietary OSes like Windows. But if the differences are a negative for you, I suggest you use the OS that works the way you like it.

    Your problems likely can be diagnosed and troubleshooted if you have the patience—some bugs I was experiencing took me like 6 years to diagnose what the problem was—but fixing your bugs will not change the fact that (GNU/)Linux is intended to work differently from Windows, i.e. it’s not a bug. So it sounds like it won’t solve the underlying problem.

    I’ll echo what someone else said in another comment and ask why you chose to switch to Linux in the first place. Out of curiosity? In which case, it sounds like your curiosity has been satisfied and you’ve discovered that Linux does not meet your personal requirements. But I think the reasons why most people switch, ie privacy and customisability, and more generally what comes with free software ie the freedom to do whatever you like with your system, are reasons which motivate people to either overcome learning curves (to learn the better way to use your computer, the way you are supposed to use GNU/Linux distros) or to dedicate the time and effort to troubleshooting problems with their system. If you don’t have those motivations, you probably want to just go back to Windows.

  • I have heard from friends that they got banned for using adblockers on free Spotify. I used a tool, forgot what it’s called, for the brief time I had Spotify Premium where you could give it access to your account via the API and it’d search music piracy websites to download all the songs and albums in your library. After I had downloaded my library I cancelled my subscription. So that was entirely within Spotify’s ToS. (Music piracy is still illegal, but the violation didn’t happen against Spotify.) I suppose if you wanted to do this then doing something like that, where you just look the song up on music piracy sites and don’t actually download from Spotify directly, would be less likely to get your account banned. You still need Premium to access the API, but you could just scrape the webpage if you want.

  • communism@lemmy.mltoLinux@lemmy.mlproton VPn
    3 months ago

    Seconding to use the protonvpn CLI program, it always worked well for me. These days I just use wireguard config files though, they’re much easier as you can just add them to networkmanager and you’ll auto connect on boot. IME the official VPN programs are often buggy. I also added a module to my waybar to show if I’m connected or not for peace of mind that the vpn started up correctly without any other indicator (if you use a DE you might already have an indicator for vpn connections)