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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 11th, 2023


  • Are you trying to equate the ideology of a political regime with a minority population of South Africans?

    South Africa had no right to exist as an apartheid state, and Israel has no right to exist as an apartheid state.

    After apartheid ended and living conditions improved, black South Africans didn’t go and slaughter every white South African as retribution, so when Israel says freed Palestinians would slaughter all Israelites, why should we believe them?

    If the occupation ended today and Palestinians were allowed to live fairly and given ample resources to rebuild, what reason would they have to seek further conflict? If treated fairly, why would Palestinians act any differently than the South Africans freed from apartheid? This conflict is ultimately the direct result of unfair treatment after all.

  • I’d say the scale of civilian death achieved through the deliberate targeting of civilians and civilian infrastructure is so extreme, it could not have been foreseen. It is a vastly disproportionate response.

    No, they knew, and counted on it to get support and to wreck any goodwill Israel had with their neighbours and the world.

    This is just wrong. The western powers have unwaveringly supported Israel from the beginning. Only just recently has the US decided to perhaps reduce the weapon shipments to Israel, after vast destruction and loss of life has already occurred.

  • Neither the owner, Aaron Rubashkin, nor his sons Sholom and Heshy, who were in charge of the management of Agriprocessors, were convicted of immigration or labor law violations, although both Aaron and son Sholom were initially charged with 9,311 counts of child labor law violation, for which they could have faced over 700 years in prison if found guilty. All charges against Aaron were dropped right before the trial was scheduled to begin, and after a five-week trial Sholom was acquitted on all charges of violating child labor laws.


    Undocumented workers have no rights. If they don’t accept the bad pay and conditions offered, they get reported. The state takes the current group of “troublemakers” away and you hire fresh immigrants.

    All charges being dropped against the owners of the plant just before the trial is either corruption or a plea deal. The owners very likely snitched on themselves in exchange for amnesty.

    Continued in reply…

  • Massacring and forcibly evicting an existing population to create an ethnostate, which then subjugates the previous inhabitants under an apartheid regime, is generally seen as a “not very nice” thing to do. To suggest that territorial disputes can only be resolved through war is unimaginative, ignorant, and flatly incorrect.

    Your question is unimportant because ethnostates and the forcible acquisition of territory are always fundamentally unjust.

    A civilian population is being brutalized right now. The killing must stop for there to be any reconciliation.