I’m just a guy, my dudes.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • It’s not even just that they’re at the margins, it’s also a math problem. One bad actor can sexually harass hundreds, perhaps even thousands of women over the course of many years. Now make that thousands of men, and see how it’s very reasonable that 1 in 2 women or whatever it is have been sexually harassed or assaulted - and that can still be less than 1% of the male population doing it. Anyone who doubts women get harassed or even assaulted often needs to have their head examined. There is a guy in my neighborhood currently who has not been caught who is following women while in his car. The neighborhood listservs are awash with women who have noticed this guy. There was another guy who was groping women on the trail who affected multiple women before they caught him.

    And this is not just sex crimes. Recently, they arrested a group of car thieves/car jackers in my area. The four of them were responsible for over two hundred car thefts, and possibly up to three hundred additional unaccounted for crimes. And that’s for a very visible crime like stealing a car - imagine the numbers for something like groping someone on a crowded train or bus.

    This is why people who say stuff like, “just teach men not to rape” are as insane as saying “just teach minorities not to steal cars”. It is a tiny portion of the population having an outsized influence because they can harm multiple people. When you start blaming a group for the actions of a tiny portion of that group, you’re just lost.

    I mean sure, call out crime in general when you see it, but I have seen this type of harassment probably a dozen times in my life. And it happens all around, dozens of times a day.

  • If you want to scratch that “players have their own genre” itch, you might look for asymmetric gameplay. There are a few video games, Death by Daylight being the most famous, but many in the “monster vs party genre”. There’s a shark one I can’t remember the name of, and a few eothers. There’s also Davigo, a VR game where the VR person plays a giant floating head that tries to smack a little person running around, played by your friend on a regular PC in FPS mode.

    Sort of tangent to those game, of course there’s your hero shooters and MOBAs, which are much more aligned objective wise but with very different gameplay per hero. I’m a sucker for DOTA which has very different heroes, and then there’s your Team Fortress or Overwatch style FPSes too.

    You’ve also got really expansive games where you have access to all the gameplay loops but people can pick what they want. Think like a multiplayer Stardew Valley. Elite Dangerous comes to mind as a game where you can go do space dogfighting, space trucking, exploration, or mining - and they all play pretty differently. You can even combo, like mine dangerous areas with a fighter escort to protect from pirates who want to fight.

    Really outside video games, but closest to what you’re talking about you might like the board game Root. It is a board game (though there’s a PC version), but it plays VERY differently depending on which forest creature you are. Cats play a traditional conquer and control (think Risk), the Birds play an action chaining card game (think like a deck builder), the Racoon does his own like exploration game, etc. but they all interact in different ways when their goals come at odds with another. It’s an awesome, super creative game. Big fan.

  • This is wild. I even thought lasagna was worth the minimal effort before, but I just got KitchenAid attachments for Christmas and it’s insanely easy. You mix the dough in the bowl, and then flatten a couple times, run through the slicer, put in the water and it boils way faster than dried. It’s also so so much better than dried.

    I’m with you on like, ravioli though. Also we occasionally made wide rice noodles from scratch for Thai cooking and while they’re not technically hard, they’re very labor intensive and time consuming. The problem is the difference between them and dried is night and say - dried wide rice noodles arent even really worth eating. Finally found a shop that sells them fresh though so we are golden.

  • It’s not actually junk prediction, though you might call it doom-bait journalism. WHO put climate change related deaths at like 150,000 people annually in the year 2000. Those numbers will obviously go up, which is why they’re backed in a lot of studies, but the real rub on reporting here is that they’re talking about “over the course of a century”. So it’s a completely reasonable estimate, it just ignores a lot of nuance like “some countries are having higher population growth so we’re not going to just lose 1 billion (though these deaths are theoretically preventable)” but also “the vast majority of these deaths will be concentrated in Southeast Asia and poorer countries.”