You make a good point. Maybe I’ve fallen into the trap of seeing street after street of boarded up buildings and hearing of houses being hit by stray bullets every couple of months and thinking it is a war zone.
I’ve never witnessed an actual war zone and can only go by images and videos I’ve seen. Maybe the better term is “areas with frequent gang activity that could mean innocent bystanders could get hit with a bullet”?
The thing that bothers about this is the rampant speculation that is happening because of the state of American society right now. Will we ever know the truth for sure from the ME performing the autopsy given how extremely politicized things are right now? I don’t know.
The article, and a few other articles I’ve read all indicate that she resigned from being a US Attorney before Trump had his second inauguration. People here have provided links to information that she was responsible for investigating Israeli and Russian people suspected of criminal activity. I remained incredibly skeptical that this wasn’t anything other than pure coincidence.
Until I read a very interesting Substack article that goes a little deeper and makes the timing even more strange because she actually resigned THE DAY OF TRUMP’S SECOND INAUGURATION according to her Wikipedia. I got the Substack article from the “Talk” page on her Wikipedia.
Usually when people resign they give a slight indication of where they are going to go to next. Claims are that she wasn’t forced out. But all of this together just doesn’t feel right – her exit from being a U.S. Attorney and her subsequent unfortunate passing just bothers me.