There’s a reason I don’t use Spotify. Well, there are multiple reasons I don’t use Spotify, but one of them is because I live in an area where stable cell tower connections aren’t a given.
There’s a reason I don’t use Spotify. Well, there are multiple reasons I don’t use Spotify, but one of them is because I live in an area where stable cell tower connections aren’t a given.
We only had fire drills, where we had to casually follow our teacher outside, stand at the collection spot for ~10min, and then go back in and continue the lesson.
Besides the two times where the canteen burnt the lunch so bad the alarms went off, we once had a suspected bomb alarm during uni where we were told to stay away for a few days while investigations were on, the ones who didn’t need any of the instruments anyway. Turns out it was some depressed tween who made joke on reddit or tumblr about wanting to bomb the place.
Good times.
I’m gonna have a blast playing “Onion or Nonion?” with my roomies.
Paying for the unique opportunity to see the newest, moistest, and most intrusive ads*.
*Also comes with a limited selection of movies and series.
Thank you for the correction.
I think genAI would be pretty neat for bit banging tests fuzzing, aka. Throwing semi-random requests and/or signals at some device in the hopes of finding obscure edge-cases or security holes.
There was a supply shortage of fans during the launch of the LCD model. Valve solved this by shipping two types of fans until supply was restored. If you had one of the alternative fans, then your SD would have a pretty bad whine.
Though, Valve offered original replacement fans via. IFixIt soon after, so you could just buy the better fan and change it. I did.
First time I’m seeing this. Didn’t even know something like this existed, though, I guess it does make sense.
Mmmmh, thunderflies.
I just LOVE when my new monitor has 5 dead bugs within half a year. Though, I don’t think I’ve ever found a hair.
The by far easiest method is to install the Steam Link app on the TV. Though, Samsung removed the app a few years ago for some reason. (Yup, i too had a Samsung TV, though likely my last.)
The next easiest method, though not wireless, is to get a dock or USB hub and then use a HDMI cable.
Alternatively, if you are a little tech-savvy, you could see if you can get Moonlight (please excuse the reddit link) to work, though I have no experience with that tool.
And the above was literally how I was thought to represent data in university. Maximize the areas of interest, make sure to properly label your axes (lest they become misleading), and remember to trim empty space where relevant.
But it appears that proper graphs for science and engineering reports may not be used for representing data to the common man, as it must be assumed that, even for the most simple of graphs, the common man will only look at the funny line, but not the graph itself.
I was of the impression that reading a graph also required understanding of regular writing/reading, but I’m no native speaker, so I’ll gladly stand corrected.
I’m not sure what you mean by “one of those little zigzag indicators”, do you perhaps mean leap/break in data denoted by the “Squiggle”? I don’t think any data below 7m is included in this graph, so, if I understand you correctly, then that wouldn’t be a proper use of said squiggle.
Seems fine to me, the axes are easy to understand and there would be a lot of unnecessary whitespace otherwise. Though, it does require some reading comprehension, and that one actually looks at it and not just skims over.
I haven’t found a definite favorite yet, but I’ve bought a few Western Digital external HDDs which have all supported S.M.A.R.T. over USB. I’m currently using their WDBU6Y0050BBK devices. They don’t have the best reviews, but mine have worked just fine over the past year.
Contrary, I’ve had two Seagate external HDDs in the past, none of which supported S.M.A.R.T. over USB, and they died after about 10 years of sparse use (powered on for backup at least once a year).
I guess one could find what USB chip the WDs use and then compare with other drives, but no one writes such stuff in their product information. >:(
If it’s important, or if you love your stuff, then always keep a backup.
I personally do three 5TB ext. drives, and only two drives may be at the same location at any given time. I’m also making sure only to use drives whose S.M.A.R.T. can be read without removing their enclosure.
Not sure who thought it’d be a good idea to make an external drive where S.M.A.R.T. cannot be read through whatever interface it uses.
“I let Twitch chat control this machine gun mounted turret, and the first thing they did was draw dickbutt in the sand, after which they kept shooting at the passing heavy armor.”
Used mine as my main PC for half a year, doing everything from gaming (duh) to embedded development. Used RWFUS to install packages not available on flathub, but have recently started experimenting with the NIX package manager (I’m still running write-protected SteamOS).
My sister uses hers as a test and development machine for linux and Android applications.
Thought about using my SD in my model aircraft hobby, but never got around to that. Maybe I’ll use it when playing around with my car with the OBD2 adapter, since i can easily connect to it from my current main rig.
If nothing else, then to have a reference to whom else not to befriend, and to have a known source for all the hottest new nonsense.
Kinda like Urban Dictionary. Lots of degenaratory stuff on there, but at least i got somewhat reliable definitions for all the weird stuff people call me and/or each other.
What really sets the Steam Controller (and the Steam Deck’s control layout) apart from the market are the dual touchpads and dynamically/easily programmable buttons. The above just looks like a reskinned XBox controller, and, if I read the article right, it needs a “companion app” to get full functionality out of the controller.
I hope that they at least made sure that the companion app works on the Steam Deck.
Or slightly different:
Får får får? Får får ej får, for får får lam.