A classic nerd from Norway.

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • You’ve never encountered the dark pattern choice in modern software where you want to say “No” but theres no such option? And the software keeps asking you occasionally? Windows got a lot of them. Lately they’ve been trying to get me to move my documents folder to onedrive, and they change the wording and button position every time they ask. Neither choice is “No”. Phone social apps often have “Invite friends” or “Import contacts”, and “Maybe later” instead of “No”. Cookie consent rarely has a straight “No” button either even though they should.

  • emptyother@programming.devtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldNew restaurant concept
    3 months ago
    • You arent allowed to bring any food home. In fact the server stays by your table, uncomfortable close, and watches you to make sure none of the food you’ve already paid for is “stolen”.
    • The restaurant reserves the right to ban anyone not following rules. They do not need to tell you which rule you broke. Also the rules are secret. They frequently brag to media about how many “rule-breakers” they’ve banned.

  • Jup, useless folder. There’s one related thing I’ve complained a lot about lately, so I’m gonna complain some more about it:

    Microsoft got this “great” idea of trying to repeatedly trick me into uploading that Documents folder to the cloud. A folder filled with GBytes of Battlefield and Assassins Creed cache files, Starfield mods, MS database files, etc… A lot of files that are in constant change, or locked the entire session. Annoying as hell. I love Onedrive, but I dont know why its so damn important for them to have those files.

    Sometimes I really wish I could switch to some Linux distro instead.