Fresh clear water when you’re alarmingly thirsty.
Fresh clear water when you’re alarmingly thirsty.
Duh, I missed that it was under Steam Input. Yeah, most likely that’s just controller polling. Amazing that somehow saves 6% battery.
Oh, you refer only to this specific patch. I’m not 100% sure about this patch, but there are other kinds of polling rates, including a global kernel polling rate which greatly affects performance, and tweaking it might perhaps save battery life. And I just mean in general it appears Valve invests a lot of time into mobile power efficiency and I wonder if some makes it upstream.
It has been my experience, which seems generally accepted online, that Linux is greatly outclassed by Windows when it comes to power efficiency on laptops during normal usage. So contributions of new ways in which power efficiency could be improved would be great.
I wonder how many of these updates make it from Steam Deck into mainstream Linux. Because my Deck lasts a lot longer on battery power than my Linux laptop does.
You’re not wrong, though I’m not so sure about blaming “welfare teat-sucking”. EU right wingers in many countries have pushed hard for decades to slowly dismantle the welfare state, while also neglecting European security. The rich helped the rich get richer, and everyone else is paying the price. Clink clink.
Tariffs are from what I’ve read, according to economists anyway, a lose-lose for both parties. They’re apparently useful only for obvious things like targeted protection of specific vulnerable domestic industries. I cant begin to understand what Trump is even trying to accomplish here. Blanket tariffs seem just self-destructive.
Yeah, that must be it. It’s a real shame because the core technology seems to be solid. Streaming 1080p videos from other instances just works. But finding channels to follow seems impossible.
I was about to leave a snide “Eww, crypto” comment here, but this “Interledger Protocol” seems like the most good-faith approach to digital currency I’ve seen yet? I’m not knowledgeable enough to fully understand it, but I hope it will actually turn out to be a good thing.
Beer-drinking European living in 'Murica here. For certain styles, the US has fantastic beers available. In particular IPAs (which don’t always have to be mega hoppy!), pale ales, pilsners, amber ales, and stouts. Plenty of great choices to be found here, if you discover the right breweries. That’s key, because there are a lot breweries with imo questionable taste.
What’s harder to find are good beers of other styles, such as Belgian or German beers. US breweries try, sometimes, but they aren’t succeeding.
I love Supcom, but haven’t played it in a few years. Gotta try this!
Ok, sounds cool. So I downloaded a .xdc file and… now what? I think they should’ve started with a paragraph on how to actually run one of these files.
inoreader seems very ergonomic, thanks!
I’ve been interested in trying out RSS again but I don’t want to self-host. Can anyone recommend a RSS client (hosted, local, or whatever) that they like?
If you don’t already have some combat boots, look for some new or used ones at an army surplus store. They’re usually cheap and look great.
Vintage band shirts can often be gotten from Ebay
Put on Tom Lehrer’s We Will All Go Together When We Go
They’re mainly doing it to deny India and Bangladesh access to their largest river. It’s not like people need fresh water to live, right?
FWIW I have never been bothered by a little cosmetic wear.
And people pay extra these days to get a "relic"ed guitar. Make of that what you will.
Ah, fixed. Thanks
Just fucking do it already. America is rapidly being destroyed and all the Democrats will have got to show for it in the future history books is “They did their utmost to avoid taking any possibly biased-looking decisions.”