I’m @froztbyte more or less everywhere that matters

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I’m not advocating for mining crypto. I understood the commenter above me to be (rudely) saying I wasn’t qualified to comment on whether this Airbnb scammer could have made the profit they claimed. (“You’re not tall enough for this ride”)

    no, for running your mouth with statements that directly defeat each other

    But that same commenter didn’t seem to be aware that with a mining pool you don’t have to single handedly win a block in order to make a profit.

    the great thing about projection is one can imagine anything you want in someone else’s head!

    It’s still wasteful and unsustainable.

    oh hey, a correct take! finally

  • “dogshit (with a side extremely-maybe lucky once)”?

    you can only fit so much computation on some amount of power, and that’s also highly influenced by type/execution of the computation involved

    the “extremely-maybe”: I’m extremely not going to bother even attempting to calculate the present statistical likelihood of being block reward winner (I can, and will, do better things with my time), but ito total computation possible from rando airbnb-miner vs structural-miner configuration it’s just super fucking unlikely

    I don’t know enough to know where to start.

    easy: skip even trying. you, too, have better things to do with your time

  • are you dim? you literally replied “hey can you spend some time to give me things for free” to someone who literally explicitly made it clear that they don’t have the time

    it sounds like you already have some idea of what you want to know about, maybe you should act on that curiousity! by, idunno, going to find the information? it’s not like this stuff hasn’t been well-covered spanning the space of a decade, or as though there aren’t literally companies that do this as their whole thing. nah, gonna have to be greenfields research, hard shit.