Huh, it was working but yeah now seems to be broken, not sure what happened there, but thanks for the heads up
Try one of these two
Huh, it was working but yeah now seems to be broken, not sure what happened there, but thanks for the heads up
Try one of these two
Certain states have the ability to stay sane,
If Trump is able to normalize using military resources for domestic policy like he is attempting to do here, those states could lose that ability very suddenly
And, like, is taking good media hosted on shitty sites and rehosting it on a better one supposed to be a bad thing?
I swear, some version of this news article has come out once every winter for the past ten years when reporters ignore the impact of cold weather on people’s ability to travel on foot to jerk off some authoritarian bullshit
But most of those sites were closed last year, Garcia said, as the number of migrant arrivals began to dwindle under the Biden administration. This was partly due to the Mexican government’s efforts to crack down on immigration but also former President Joe Biden’s executive order last summer that did not allow people to apply for asylum if they entered the country between ports of entry.
Either way, Republicans being in control of education policy is nonsense. It’s not going to matter what reading system they use if they’re trying to teach a trans student whose who’s being harassed by their state’s laws, or a student who is distracted by reasonable fears of being shot, or by hunger because they don’t have any food at home. This person could be the most skilled and impassioned champion of education ever but she’s never going to be able to help kids Republicans decide are unworthy working for this administration.
e; autocorrect being unhelpdul
This is going to be an awful thing that will almost certainly lead to a lot of suffering and death, but watching McConnell’s impassioned and deeply personal stories about surviving polio just get totally ignored like a Democratic president’s supreme court nominee in his Senate was at least a little satisfying
They were and are the same genocide, there was no candidate with a reasonable chance to win that election who was going to hold Israel accountable either way
Considering this is an opinion piece from an author who spends most of her time writing about how she thinks teachers unions make it impossible to provide good education to kids I think this is probably just another right wing attempt attack democracy by screaming “think of the children”
That includes the social vulnerability index - https://web.archive.org/web/20250000000000*/https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/place-health/php/eji/index.html - and environmental justice index - https://web.archive.org/web/20250000000000*/https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/place-health/php/svi/index.html - , for example, which are tools that show whether particular populations might face disproportionate health risks.
[Hyperlinked urls in original moved to text by me]
Excellent work by the Verge for linking to the Web Archive versions of these pages, hope to see more of this from journalists
Incidentally, if you see a government resource the Trumpists might want to destroy, see if it’s already been saved here - https://web.archive.org/ - and (if not) save it here - https://web.archive.org/save
And if this seems like a worthwhile resource and you’re in a position to do so, consider visiting - https://archive.org/donate/
I mean, all words are made up, but yeah, the whole legal profession is chock full of needlessly flowery language that’s intended to keep normal people from feeling like they can ask too many questions
That said, I’m happy to fight alongside those elitist creeps if they’re fighting against fascism. Once that’s taken care of we can talk about replacing all their stupid bar associations with actual public agencies to bring some (small-d) democratic oversight to their little clubhouses.
A more accurate headline would be “8 Inspectors General Trump Attempted to Fire Sue for Illegal Interference”
“‘Because the purported removals were illegal and hence a nullity, the actions just described constituted illegal interference with the IGs’ official duties.'”
Almost certainly a good assumption, and we wouldn’t know if they were
The ceasefire has been bullshit from the beginning, it was just a way for Israel and Hamas to put a formal end on things that allowed them both to say they got what they wanted out of this bloodbath, but it hasn’t and won’t stop Israeli soldiers from killing Palestinians or Hamas fighters from trying to kill Israeli civilians, and it definitely won’t do anything to put us on a path to any kind of real and lasting peace. We’re right back where we were on October 6, only with 40,000+ dead civilians and a bunch of essential infrastructure destroyed.
lately I’ve been asking if people will write an email to a politician or a celebrity or a business leader, anyone who has the ability to talk to the media, and ask them to use that ability to talk about the plight of Palestinians
It’s almost like after months of having their concerns dismissed and being called Russian plants or whatever else people aren’t inclined to engage in political action alongside the kinda kinds of people who they think said those things. Oh well, at least this is just a silly thing that happens on social media and doesn’t have any relevance at all to the Democratic party’s ability to turn out votes or anything /s
e; fixed a typo and added some words to make my point clearer
You could say all of that about plenty of the people he did pardon, so either he screwed up there or here by your logic.
Ultimately, I think that logic is flawed, because what’s going on in these individual cases is irrelevant, giving the American government the authority to kill in cold blood in any case was a mistake that has been and will be abused.
It never really existed to begin with, it’s just a face saving fiction for both Israel and Hamas to say “actually we got exactly what we wanted out of this and sure showed those other guys so we can declare victory now”, but Israeli soldiers will continue murdering Palestinians when they feel like it and Hamas will continue lobbing rockets at iron domes to remind everyone they exist and nothing will have changed except 40,000+ Palestinians are dead now
Because Israeli soldiers murdering children (archived) totally didn’t happen under prior administrations /s
Yeah, speaking as someone who voted for Harris but has friends I wasn’t able to persuade to vote at all, that voter blaming troll bullshit helps Republicans win elections whether the people pushing it recognize it or not