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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 8th, 2023


  • I agree. In my opinion there are two huge dominating factors.

    First is the almost ubiquitous winner-takes-all election structure in the US, leading to the two party system. There is, bar none, no fair competition in US government at a level high enough to matter.

    Second, the lack of term limits allows certain people in certain positions to perpetuate momentum. In part this happens by hand picking successors through brute-force out funding the competition (in part due to the economic disparity that others in this thread have mentioned).

  • I’ll try to keep this to lesser known apps:

    • Catima (saves barcodes for gift cards, gym memberships, etc so you don’t have to worry about the physical card)

    • Cofi (nice timer for active guidance through coffee brewing recipes)

    • 10,000 Sentences (a language practicing app that doesn’t have a mildly threatening owl 😉)

    • OSMAnd+ Mapillary, Overlay Maps, and 3D Features (seriously, the best. I only use Google maps to get around traffic these days since, unfortunately, Magic Earth doesn’t work very well in my area)

    • Obtanium (as a gateway to lesser known software, no shipping to an app store required!)

    • RethinkDNS (an absolutely amazing piece of software that gives you fine-grained control of the domains your apps are talking to. A bit of a battery sync but it’s been a game changer for me. On my GrapheneOS setup I use it in the Google sandbox to reduce the amount of data scraping servers my Google apps can talk to)

  • My process for project identification has been:

    1. Be annoyed at ads/payment structure/whatever in some app or service
    2. Search https://alternativeto.net/ for alternatives to the thing I’m annoyed with (filtering by Open Source and my devices)
    3. Try out 1-2 of the top alternatives
    4. Settle on what service I want to run
    5. Install, route the subdomain, etc. if necessary (otherwise just access via my tailnet)

    As for how to deploy, docker / podman are great! With podman I’d recommend looking into their systemd integrations too. Incus is a neat LXC option too, meant more for longer term services (less micro service focused, good and bad).

    Hope this helps!

  • Haha I’ve had a journey to get here, all because I have a 12th gen Framework.

    Initially I got Debian Sid working but ran into power management issues with the module system. I switched over to arch and loved that for a while but frankly I was too careless and kept breaking my system. The way I use Arch it wasn’t a stable daily driver. Then I switched over to NixOS and loved it, but I bricked 3 of 4 ports with a firmware update (again me being careless). Graciously, Framework helped me fix the issue.

    After all of that I decided to go with a distro that is officially supported by Framework. Between Ubuntu and Fedora I choose Fedora since they don’t have ads for Ubuntu Pro :) I also like SELinux by default and wanted to broaden my horizons

  • I tried Debian + Nix once upon a time too. Honestly flatpaks and containers did everything I needed and more, and every dev team I’ve been on already has familiarity with the container workflow.

    I’m a huge fan of Debian and Nix, don’t get me wrong, but it was shy of perfect for my use case. Glad it works for you though! I’ve been using Fedora + Nix home-manager with flakes for almost two years and I don’t think I’ll ever go back

  • No experience living in SLC long term but I’ve heard enough to trust your judgement.

    That being said there are plenty of awe-inspiring places in the state, especially down south, that are pretty peaceful. The trouble there is the lack of consistent economic opportunity and overrun of tourism. Also unfortunate that those spots are typically half a day’s drive or more from commercial airports.