IT pro | Generic white dude | probably high.

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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: February 26th, 2024


  • I’ve been living in coastal Southeastern Texas for 44 years. Im 46. In 2017 my county rezoned us as a flood zone because of the Havey flooding caused all the poor planning. An entire section of the state reclassified because “interstate highway” needed to be bigger.

    They’ve been building the same 50ish miles for at least 27 years. All they’ve managed to do is ruin what was naturally occurring barriers and eroded our ability to maintain habitation. Or to expect a reasonable ability to protect against a disaster.

    We’re leaving 3.4 acres my grandfather bought in 1986, and gave my sister and I in 2007.

    And that’s just MY story. We had 375 neighbors in my area and at least 30% have moved on since 2017.

    And that’s just one coastal city, in one state, in one country, on one continent.

    I don’t have a lot of fantasy about humanities future.

  • correct way to install is flatpak most of the time

    It’s probably SUPER intimidating how many options there are for something as simple as “package management”. Who to trust. etc. People are just rough, and unkind. Stick with what works for you. What your’e comfortable with. That’s honestly the ONLY important aspect of this whole Linux endeavor. Complete control of YOUR computing experience. That gets lost in opinion and subjective conjecture more often than I can stand, honestly. It really is SO much saner on Arch, though. You’re absolutely correct. That’s why I stick with it myself. It gets out of my way and lets me do what I want to do.