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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • In the same vein I have odd shaped feet. They are very narrow at the heel but get really wide at the ball of my foot. My sister used to tell me I had tennis racket feet. Never found shoes that would fit. Regular would be too tight on my toes but wide would be too loose on my heels.

    That was until I found Altra. They actually make shoes that fit my foot shape. Consequently, they stopped me from getting shin splints too.

  • I’m only commenting this because you said you’re stuck on Win11 and not defending it, but…

    Using winget and Chocolately will make your app installation much better.

    Also, to reload your path variable in a PowerShell prompt you can run the following:

    $env:Path = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","Machine") + ";" + [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","User")

    Again, your gripes are all legitimate, but these might help ease your pain.

  • My cat is the very definition of a cat, totally aloof, fiercely independent, kind of an asshole. She only acknowledges my presence when she wants to eat. She loved to bait the dogs and get them in trouble for chasing her. No guests in our house have ever seen her. The only times she even allows me to pet her is when she has a mat she wants me to get out.

    The only exception is with my daughter. She absolutely loves her. As long as no one else is around she will love all over her. This picture was from about 2 years ago when my daughter got a nasty cold, and she watched over her the entire time. She even turned around and yelled at me shortly after taking this picture because my daughter started having a small coughing fit.

  • Red Dragon too for the same reason. The way he writes really gets you into the characters mind. I still get chills thinking about the part with the reporter in wheelchair. He describes the victim thought process as he’s dropped off outside his office building. Even after all the killer did to him, he starts thinking he’ll be set free, and you start to think that too, ::: spoiler spoiler just moments before he is set on fire and rolled down the hill. :::

    Another one that really distributed me was when he describes the killer just watching a family in their house. They are completely unaware that he has been watching them and that they’ll be his next victims.

    I read that book 25 years ago and I still remember vivid details of it.

  • I was at Warped Tour back in 2007, I think. It was in August in Texas, and was held in a parking lot. In other words, it was fucking hot! NOFX was the last band to play and as soon as they start their set clouds rolls in and a huge thunderstorm storm starts. Some guy runs on stage and tells everyone they need to evacuate to a nearby pavilion. Everyone refuses to move.

    NOFX finally comes back out and says they were told they can only play 3 songs. So, they bust out their 18 minute long song, which up to that point they refused to ever play live.

    As far as best performance, hands down Paul McCartney. He was in his 70s and played an amazing and high energy show for 3 hours straight.