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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 12th, 2023


  • You’re actually a goddamn moron.

    Fuck yourself in the dick with a 3d printed dick.

    The issue, you asstarded fucknozzle is that FUCKING NONE OF THAT SHIT should require registration with a FEDERAL FUCKING GOVERNMENT YOU BOOTLICKING BITCH except the drones because those actually operate in Federal airspace, at least here in the US and it’s no different from being licensed by the Federal government to be a pilot.

    I give zero shits about guns. Morons like you, on the other hand, are actually fucking dangerous.

  • It’s kinda a lot more difficult to build a proper rifle with old fashioned tools. You need a workshop and quite some money for that stuff.

    It’s kind of not, and you don’t. You’re still reliant on metal for any actual parts involved in the firing process. You still cannot 3d print a barrel you want to use more than once or with any sort of accuracy.

    Oh, and actually quite some knowledge if you want to get something that actually works more than once and shoots straight.

    Right, which is why 3d printers aren’t that gr… oh, wait, you thought you were talking about milling machines. Nah dude, 3d printers are a fucking whore and a bitch to get good parts off of. They’re finicky as shit. You can EASILY have a 30 hour long print shit itself at the last minute and render the whole thing unusable. It doesn’t matter what kind of printer you’re using, it WILL wreck your life at some point. Unless, of course, you’re using a six-figure production machine at which point your entire money argument gets skullfucked.

    And did I mention that this stuff is expensive?

    No, it isn’t. You can get a mill for under a grand if you look around. Hell, find the right old timer looking to get rid of his gear and you’ll probably get some good tools as well. Not that this matter, because when you’re trying to improvise weapons A FUCKING DRILL PRESS is more than enough to get the job done for most operations. Whatever your shop is doesn’t goddamn matter when the gun only has to operate for a handful of shots.

    I know, because I have such a fancy workshop.

    Well obviously you’re a fucking terrorist and need to register all of your tools. Mills, lathes, any sort of welding or sheet metal equipment, all of this can be used in the manufacture of firearms and since you’re piss-pants bitchass scared of plastic I can only assume that extends to the ability to manufacture real live firearms, right?

    RIGHT? YA FUCKING BRAINDEAD HYPOCRITE? You going to register your fucking mill with the government so they know you aren’t a terrorist? ARE YOU NOW OR HAVE YOU EVER BEEN A MEMBER OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY?

    I’d gladly be on a list of 3D printer owners, just for those Nazi fucks to have another obstacle and another “contact point” with authorities where they can be caught.

    That’s because you’re a moron.

    Here’s your gold star, 3d printer boy, please board the train and don’t cry too much.

  • That is cause you’re using a stable release distro.

    No. That’s because the latest version of the software has some incompatibility with the distro that the distro devs can’t be arsed to fix. If you’re not aware of how often this happens then YOU are the one that clearly doesn’t actually use Linux on a daily basis.

    Oh look, I can make blind assertions about your lack of knowledge too.

    Nobody is doing that, except maybe Ubuntu


    well wouldn’t you know it there 100000 distros more you can choose

    Yeah, sure, just completely reinstall your entire system because one fucking dev doesn’t like having to deal with users installing .deb files. Goddamn Linux apologists are morons sometimes. It’s like you’ve never actually used a computer you HAVE to use. They’re just your masturbation tools and nothing more.

    lesser known or has bad support for Linux.

    So the majority of software, you mean. Have you even fucking been to github.com? Do you think every one of those programs is in a repository? DO YOU FUCKING KNOW HOW ANYTHING WORKS OUTSIDE OF YOUR PRECIOUS WALLED PACKAGE MANAGER GARDEN?

    In 2023 almost everything someone needs is in the repos of distros like Mint and Debian.

    Says you, and who the fuck are you besides nobody?

    Certainly everything for the type of user that is too lazy to Google anything.

    Again, a cunt blaming the user for a distro removing options. Fuck off.

  • “Provided you choose the right distro.”

    Yeah. Windows or MacOS if you actually want to do shit.

    Just wanted to mention, I’ve never had an issue with Windows or MacOS that wasn’t directly caused by my own personal fuckery. Somehow though, I’ve had multiple Linux distro installs decide to hose themselves because they didn’t update through the precious fucking package manager properly. You know, the thing that everyone is now shitting on users for not using?

    The most fun one was whenever a Debian update decided that the right thing to do was move my primary drive into a subfolder in /etc. Yeah. That fucking happened.