Honda has 16 factories in the us. Your next honda probably won’t be affected.
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Honda has 16 factories in the us. Your next honda probably won’t be affected.
The Signal Foundation is a non-profit. The non-profit owns an LLC under the same name which publishes and develops the apps.
The software itself is open source, and licensed under AGPLv3, the same permissive license as lemmy and mastodon.
Calling them a private company with no motivation to disclose any failures in their security is pretty clearly untrue in whole.
so… how much did does the us government give its auto industry?
They gave us auto companies 81 billion between 2008 and 2014, and continue to subsidize the industry to this day.
pot meet kettle
biden basically did that already. ever noticed there are no byds on the road in the us?
i seem to recall it wasn’t an outright ban, but unreasonable tariffs on chinese evs specifically. a soft ban, but enough to be as effective.
The receiver is the part of the gun with a serial number that has to be reported to the government when sold or transferred. Every other part and ammunition are normal goods with few restrictions.
Only one part needs to be self crafted to make and fire a ghost gun. They are not impossible to detect through investigation or forensics, they’re just unregistered.
Whenever a headline is written to imply something without saying it, don’t trust it.
The words in the headline are not false, but they chose to cover this story nationally because they can write a headline that strongly implies that there was an attempt on the president’s life because they know that will entice a click.
If there was evidence of the exciting implication that would be the headline.
A depressed person attempting suicide by cop isn’t something relevant to a national audience, but people will click because of the headline.
The rich have more assets and income sources and have staff who do a bunch of financial chicanery to try to hide their tax evasion. Auditing the rich requires significantly more work than the poor.
These decisions are not about doing what makes sense. The IRS is a revenue generator. Spending money on the IRS brings in significantly more money in unpaid taxes than it costs.
The goal is not to do what’s best for the government’s budget. Its really about ensuring that their criminal friends can continue to get away with it.
They make bad small phones that people don’t buy because they’re bad, then conclude its because people don’t buy small phones.
They make phones like the palm palm, the second phone you have to pair to your other phone, for those days when the big phone is too big. Also the battery didn’t even last a day. When it doesn’t sell they say its because it was small, not the everything else.
What heat source are you using? In my experience induction about matches electric kettles.
Yes, but…
Cooking itself also does this. If you are searing or frying that will also release dangerous particulates. Make sure you have and use a vent hood that vents outside the living space when you cook regardless of fuel.
I can say from personal experience of using every kind of home stove, that gas is both the worst and slowest. Boiling water for my morning coffee is fastest on induction, which takes about half the time as resistive or radiant electric, and gas takes nearly three times longer than that.
Though it might just be the american style of burner that directs the flame away from the center of the pan. I’ve not yet tried any other kind.
It would be very different. It would be a place without diplomacy. Agreeing to not attack diplomats is the most important prerequisite for diplomacy.
If you can’t send someone to talk things out then war is the first and only way for nations to resolve any conflict. I don’t think you want to live in that world.
Activism works. Resistance works. People seem to forget this when we have a president who wears a different colored tie. This is why trump is worse at deportations than biden and obama. Its not for lack of trying.
Democratic presidents are smart enough to do the dirty work of the state quietly and with discretion. Which makes them much more effective.
If you know any undocumented people, make sure they know their rights, and how to resist regardless of who is in office.
Well its good you’re not a diplomat.
What do you suggest a president do during a diplomatic meeting with another president other than saying words?
He pled not guilty. You don’t plead innocence in court.
He has to prove that he is not guilty of the case brought by the prosecution. That’s what not guilty means. He only has to disprove the specifics of the case brought against him.
Its the procetutor’s job to prove, it is the defendant’s job to disprove.
Pleading not guilty is the right choice. Either his lawyers think he’s not guilty, and this plea lets them beat the charges, or he is guilty and this plea delays the inevitable.
If he pled guilty that would skip the main part of the trial and go straight to sentencing. Pleading guilty is rarely a good idea unless you are making a deal for a reduced sentence.
no. that’s thermodynamically impossible.
though it is true that fission and fusion are opposites, you cannot gain energy by fissing and fusing the same material. There’s an inverted bell curve where medium sized elements are the lowest energy state. You can get energy by making atoms more medium, fusing the smallest atoms or fissing the biggest ones. Doing the opposite costs energy.
I’d much rather they make California the 13th province.
What specifically do you think that OSM maintainers should be doing to stop this instead of maintaining OSM?
Also coup has a p.
Better to make california the 13th province.
Probably for the same reason they’re against medicine