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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • I utterly detest the use of “wholeheartedly agree” when people have caveats. It truly goes against the concept of wholeheartedness. It is sufficient to indicate that you agree completely and then be silent. That you don’t suggests your caveat has more value and meaning to you than the point you are ‘wholeheartedly’ agreeing with.

    You are either being willfully obtuse or are actively a troll. Either way, we’ve all already used up more metabolism on you than is worthwhile. If you cannot bother to be informed about something as easy to know as this, and yet spout off multiple replies to defend your position, then you’re not here in good faith.

  • And so our alternative is…? To ignore this rather quaint sociological phenomenon? To let it pass by, unremarked-upon? Is that how we make increments of improvement to our behavior and culture? What’s the take away? What’s the lesson here for us? How do we be better people when our opponents are literally caricatures of cartoon villains, who, every week, add another hilarious stereotype to their gestalt.

    Remember: you’re talking to, and about, the species that is currently exporting a record number of voyeuristic reality shows that sell “engineered awkwardness” because sex doesn’t sell by itself anymore.

    How do you un-fuck this up?

  • Your endocrine system hasn’t even let go of the controls in your brain yet. Don’t let a guy who is so prone to substance abuse make important decisions. Once the night shift takes over a lot of your “airtight and very clever” philosophies will seem simple, trite and one dimensional.

    One day you’ll be in the shower getting ready to start your day. Nothing particularly significant will have occurred to you the day before, but the “perspective shift” happens and all of a sudden, you won’t know why you ever felt the way you used to. Scary as shit, comes out of the blue, and definitely doesn’t happen to us all. But it’s a cool achievement to unlock and lets you respec for a conceptualization bonus.

    If that does happen, I hope you remember this thread and have replay. See if you are still the same you as you were.