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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • While I agree that we should have UBI and universal healthcare, your gross assumption that all women are “forced” into this trade because they lack funds is what I disagree with.

    While some women are doing it for the money, some women are doing it because it’s their own kink. Check out /gonewild. Most if not all those women are there showing off their bodies because they want to. No funds. No other reason except they want to share.

    Again yes there are sex trafficked women in the porn industry. There should be more laws that help these women.

    Fun story. I went to CES about 10 years ago and the AVN convention is next door and as a joke my workers and I went to check it out. I had the pleasure of talking to some of the actresses and some of them paid money to be there. It was such a great experience talking to them and seeing the humane side to porn. The women there generally love the craft.

  • First of all, what you think is unhealthy should stay in your home and not someone else’s home. You don’t get to decide what is unhealthy for everyone. Just yourself. It’s people like you that think it’s unhealthy for people to abort their babies that we lost Roe.

    AI generated videos are currently distinguishable. It’s quite easy to spot. All of the time it’s posted on the site that specifically calls out its AI generated. So there is little confusion if your reputation is getting messed up.

    With Photoshop you don’t actually need any skills. It’s all AI generated as well. It’s actually zero skills. As a matter of fact, I have software that can take an AI generated image and then turn it into a video with just prompts to an AI generator.

    But let’s get back to what I said earlier. Who is actually hurt here?

  • Taiwan has paid time off for mothers(not dad’s). Usually a month or so. There are no housing benefits in Taiwan that I know of. The incentive is def a small portion of how much a child costs, but it’s not a little. I get like 8000nt a month directly deposited into my account. I also get schooling incentives. It is basically free cash that pays around 25% of my child’s schooling/daycare.

    China has a brutal 996 culture if you’re lucky to even have a job. Nobody is going to start making babies when a VERY large % of your young population is unemployed.

  • I hate to do this, but I feel like Taiwan(numba 1) is doing this better than China(numba 4).

    The Taiwan government is literally giving money to have kids. The more kids you have, the more monthly cash they give you. I think our president said something along the lines of “it’s up to our country to take care of all children of Taiwan”. I’m paraphrasing.

    Not just cash, we also have infrastructure setup. Most malls, government buildings and public places have breastfeeding rooms. There is almost always a bathroom designated for people with children. There are even bathrooms set up with small tiny toilets. There is a designated area for kids to sit on the train. There are designated elevators for kids.

    Plus healthcare is free/cheap so that helps.

    If China wants more babies, it needs to start giving the people things that promote having kids. Unless you force them to have kids… I guess because you can. Fuck the CCP.

  • This is my setup using the 3, 2, 1 rule:

    3: Raid 5 setup with 2 unused drives and setup to automatically spool up and recover if one of the drives starts failing. 2: off-site at the father in laws house (using a Xpenology super tiny PC and an external drive) 1: Monthly Backblaze

    While there is risk, it’s def safer if not safer than Google drive.

  • Don’t get me wrong Mario land was great. But just weird shit drove us mad even inside a family friendly place like Universal Studios.

    We had a friend with us that had a 3 year old girl with them. The airline lost their stroller(this was an major ordeal, nobody spoke English at the airports there)so they decided to rent from Universal Studio instead.

    First of all, the person who was attending the stroller section didn’t speak a lick of English. Fine. Whatever. We used Google translate. He asked us how old the girl was and I said 3 years old.

    The next question was
    "Is it her birthday? "…

    Us: ummmm, no. That was a month ago.

    They immediately said: "No rent to you. "

    Wtf dude. Why?!?! Because the rules are 3 years old or younger. That means less than 36 months, not less than 48 months.

    Just random shit like that seems the norm for the Japanese.