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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Me neither really. I don’t love this, but I think a lot of people misunderstand what the analytics tools are mainly used for. It’s not often that much to do with advertising, and it certainly isn’t about farming your unique information in a clandestine way. It’s about what’s happening with the app, what features are being used as an aggregate, and most importantly for tracking the crash rate of the app, and why it’s crashing.

  • jpeps@lemmy.worldtome_irl@lemmy.worldme⛏irl
    3 months ago

    I do remember legitimately playing like this. Sounds dumb to some I’m sure but it was somewhat thrilling to try and stay off the radar. I remember with a friend joining a hugely turfed up server and building a secret underground base there. We went to great lengths to get grass there and a few sheep, and built a life hidden away from hundreds of players haha.