Transfem | she/her | professional keyboard operator | old

All the cool kids hang out at Ten Forward

Nazi Punks Fuck Off!

  • 10 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 16th, 2024


  • I must be hallucinating, I thought I already replied. I hear you about Chakotay, I think I went through similar phases of opinion on the character. Yeah, Beltran did appear to perform in good faith, so I can’t fault him either. It’s awful that it even happened, though.

    I grew up watching TOS reruns and was exposed to pretty good representation via Sulu. There was a noticeable difference between Sulu and all other Asian roles on TV and in the movies when I was growing up (80s), and it sure sucked seeing all the gross stereotypes and blatant racism played off as jokes. I’d imagine you can probably relate. Representation matters, especially when you’re a kid!

  • This is an accurate statement, but (running with the analogy) I like to think ummthatguy carries a benelli compared with the rest of us lol

    Btw, side note, sorry if this sounds random (I intended to comment yesterday but got busy and am now just remembering), but the two spirit story you tell is amazing and is a concept I think modern western society could really learn from. So thank you for dropping this knowledge on us from time to time, it’s really cool and much appreciated. There’s an alternate universe out there where a legit First Nation consultant was asked to advise on Chakotay’s back story and development on Voyager, and I imagine stories like this being woven into that show’s fabric. Wouldn’t that be something? Ok I’m done rambling haha, you have a good one. 🖖

  • Omfg I’m just remembering I did something similar when I was ten or so. I think my little brother was like four?

    I’m at 7-11, flipping through comics, and see what I think is my little brother messing with the comic books (putting them in the wrong slots in the magazine stand) out of the corner of my eye, so I scold him and go back to reading. I just hissed at him, didn’t even bother looking.

    Then this girl I don’t know comes over, grabs the kid’s hand, says “Come on, <random unfamiliar name>, let’s go.” I look over and I don’t recognize either of them, and she shoots this “wtf is wrong with you, weirdo” look at me and leads him away. And my actual brother? On the other side of the store, oblivious to the world, just being his usual self, picking boogers, nowhere near the magazine stand, and I am clinically dead from embarrassment.