Super gross conclusions/recommendations from the marketing firm in the article.
I imagine that if the finding was “gamers spend more time watching friends play”, they’d suggest monetizing the couch cushions.
Super gross conclusions/recommendations from the marketing firm in the article.
I imagine that if the finding was “gamers spend more time watching friends play”, they’d suggest monetizing the couch cushions.
I’d say that’s pretty typical. Nobody wants to pester or to leave someone hanging, but that timeframe is different for every relationship.
Yeah no, it’s a totally fair question and I get the spirit of it, but it’s still interesting to reflect on the way that video games have a pretty strange concept of genre or “format” vs. other media like video or print.
Maybe it’s cuz games are so heavily influenced by their associated hardware.
I mean, I guess everything is, right? Early printing press is mostly pamphlets not books (aside from the bible), and you don’t get TV shows without TVs.
Especially if they were born January 1st.
December 31st throws the whole thing off though.
It’s kind of like asking for the best video.
It wouldn’t make sense to compare TV shows, movies, Youtube videos, TikToks, sporting events, commercials, journalistic footage, etc. all as a single category.
Idk. So do you ask for “best RPG” or something like that instead? Seems overly specific now.
Most universal answer I can give is:
Every country that has attempted communism has been desperate and vulnerable.
Desperate to find a strongman to save their crumbling old government, and vulnerable to having the CIA appoint their own strongman in turn.
OneDrive does exist on macOS.
Santa gets an intern obsessed with ML:
“Santa! Do you realize that naughty kids tend to grow up to have children who also end up on the naughty list? I looked into it, and it actually correlates with a bunch of things like the parents’ health, income, ethnicity… who their friends were in high school… I think we’re judging kids for being born into circumstances beyond their control! Santa, what do we do?”
“Hm. Did you say you could build an app to accurately predict the naughty/nice status of a kid based on basic demographic information? Build it. I’m going on vacation.”
What is the sound of one penny farthing?
I never give money to the homeless. They’ll just buy drugs and alcohol.
I keep it for myself. So I can buy drugs and alcohol.
For real though, I try to give $5 if I can. Some people will waste it, some will make good use of it, and it’s impossible to tell from the outside looking in. So I might as well swing at every ball. Giving to charities is good too, but they don’t reach everyone (for all sorts of reasons).
Sean Murray’s curse is finally broken.
People throwing shade at the devs who could easily be maxing&relaxing in IT but chose to make art instead, rather than the perverse financial incentives baked into the industry which encourage them to overpromise to secure funding and then underdeliver to abide by publisher demands.
But maybe I’m in the unreasonable one.
If “excellent customer service” means you have to go through three layers of call center to finally cancel your service, then yes.
Dozens and dozens of retro handhelds, single-board computers, mini PCs, and mini laptops.
I’ve saved thousands so far.
You know it. Just like I prefer having massive student debt and no degree to show for it. 😎
I remember when all these outlets were endlessly claiming that Millennials believed a whole bunch of stupid shit that we didn’t.
It never ends, does it?
over the long term–and I’m talking, like 20-30+ years–it could be positive. One of the things that made the US economy strong in the 60s was the fact that we had strong labor, and strong manufacturing
Looks to me like the strong economy of the 1960s coincided with ending 20-30 years of high tariffs… Sooo…
My answer is usually “I don’t use computers the same way you do, so I probably won’t know what you’re talking about.”