• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • You know I agree with much of what you say here. All I’ll say is that while there’s uncertainty in the outcome of this route, I’m convinced there is certainty at this point that Joe Biden will lose. Why? Because there is all there is to know about Joe Biden. Call it media saturation; diminishing returns… There is fundamentally nothing Joe Biden can do or say that people don’t already know and now their minds are pretty much made up. The desperation-play of even asking for that debate shows the Biden campaign knows how bad of a position they’re in… And it of course backfired tremendously.

    So at this point, I view it as uncertainty versus a known loss.

    And in that respect, I’m looking at this alternate path as appealing to those lizard-brain American Idol-watching popularity-contest voters. If we could distill election cycles down to a handful of things, chief among them would be “People Vote for the more interesting candidate” and “People vote for the fresher face” – Within the backdrop of age being a huge issue for >70% of American voters when polled, that rings even more truthful now.

    So personally, I say we take the chance.

  • Are you asking that because you believe nobody is lining up wanting to be President, or that there is no candidate who fits that bill? Because I can think of half a dozen who both fit the bill and have obvious political ambitions:

    • Whitmer
    • Newsom
    • Buttigieg
    • Booker
    • Abrams
    • Warnock.

    All far more youthful; all far more charismatic. All who have enough national name recognition and would trounce Trump in debates and contrast of age alone.

    The question to me isn’t, “who else,” it’s, “Will Biden voluntarily step down and endorse such a person at the convention?”

    The polls prove this could work:nobody likes either candidate, people want new faces, and age is a problem. Just give them another choice on the Democratic ticket and it’s game-over for the convicted felon. If I could I’d be money this gives better odds than sticking it out with Biden.

  • Everyone from Jon Stewart to Pod Save America recognize Biden had one of the worst debate performances in history. Focus groups of undecided voters who watched said Biden lost.

    Let’s stay in reality and face the facts. Let’s not stoop to maga alt-reality.

    Instead let’s just fix the issue at hand, assuage the concerns of voters, and improve our odds of beating Trump. Because there is no good data to support a Biden victory.

  • Top 150 ranked in world on Company of Heroes 1v1 a long time ago lol. Got to play against some of the #1’s - one of them left to join the South Korean military I heard. Got stomped but was fun.

    I was pretty damn good at C&C Generals: Zero Hour back in the day. Damn I wish they remastered that game.

    Was ranked on global leaderboards in Dota for a brief moment, too. Top 1%, but never close to the 0.1%.

    My favorite moment in gaming was playing a sniper in Red Orchestra in a large 64 player game. Huge map. All game I’m sniping people left and right. Not dying once. Meanwhile throughout the game, like 30 minutes, the enemy sniper is equally decimating my team’s ranks. I was hunting for him the entire game to no avail. Then, while prone I crest this ridgeline to scout a valley below and as I pan my scope to look all the way down toward the other side of my ridgeline, I see the other sniper lock with me at Exactly. The Same. Time.

    We both fire.

    And since Red Orchestra actually tries to simulate ballistics, we both hit each other and die.