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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • Where the fuck are the Jews supposed to go?

    Wherever they want? There’s tons of other places for the Israelis to go make lives for themselves. Who the fuck cares if they have “a state” or not? Just go fucking live and don’t fuck shit up for yourselves or the people around you.

    Demanding a “safe space” for your particular genetic deviation in this day and age is nothing more than nationalism. The Jewish people have an established history that encompasses the entire planet. What difference does it make if they have a “state” or not? Do you think the millions of non-practicing jews around the world give a shit?

    Disclaimer: The people saying Jews shouldn’t exist are ignorant, evil assholes. Also, the jews saying they have a right to bulldoze Palestinian homes are ignorant, evil assholes.

    Fuck off with your religious/ethnic bullshit and figure out how to live alongside other fucking people.

  • My movies? What?

    I’m not upset about anything. I’m simply pointing out that the assertion that all movies today are dogshit shows you are either ignorant to all the quality movies being produced and the history of cinema in general, or your expectations are ludicrously high. In either case, you’re contribution to the discussion is worthless. Or, to put it in your terms: your words are dogshit.

    There have always been shitty movies. That’s not to say that there have ONLY been shitty movies.

    There are good movies being produced, and with the entirety of human culture at your fingertips, if all you are seeing is dogshit that’s entirely your fault.

  • Season 1 was deep? In what way?

    I watched it straight through when I was working from home and had nothing else to do for a few days. I watched it again just last month thinking maybe I missed something like first time.

    I don’t think I did.

    It was just as plodding and poorly written the second time around. Not only did I not care about any of the characters or their struggles, I actively disliked almost all of them by the end. They were an assortment of shitty television cliches acting out the most boring and uneventful alien invasion imaginable.

    I don’t doubt that there’s probably a purpose to some of the more perplexing bits from last season, but I wasn’t pulled into last season enough to care.

    All that said, I’m probably going to watch it anyway.

  • No. They are not.

    Half of them are the obnoxious trust fund goons who lived on your floor in the dorms and had posters of Che on their walls. They generally came from wealth and this anti-capitalist rhetoric is just them rebelling against their parents. Their dad is probably a non-practicing jew who drives a VW Phaeton . They don’t know their birth mothers too well but their step moms are probably women who graduated from high school two classes ahead of themselves. The obnoxious goons who base their entire personality on these kinds of interactions, they pride themselves on being “disliked for speaking truth to power”.

    The other half are shitheel trolls who are too wrapped up in their own attempts at edgy bullshit to understand the difference between “it’s just a joke, bro” and “just drink the fucking kool-aid, bro”.

    Neither of those groups have any sense of self awareness.

    So nah, they aren’t communists.