Expert developer, Buddhist

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023

  • I’m kinda annoyed that this whole thing was pretty much a pitch for Tauri, and that’s a pretty lame looking webapp thing with typescript and whatever browser engine you happen to have lying around

    Tauri is tryna be all like “hey look at our install size, it’s smaller than electron!!” … like anyone cares about install size much. The problem is the memory/cpu use of web apps, which tends to 5x a decent native app. Maybe one day, with webassembly…

  • America is the center of the world, hate all you want. This is the cutting edge today. Hollywood is the dominant music/media power. Silicon valley is the dominant technology power. NY is the dominant financial hub. The hippie cultural revolution was largely here, and the civil rights revolutions that inform modern morals. America spends more on military than the rest of the world combined, and therefore has massive influence

    So that’s my context for being here. I was born pretty far away in Europe, which is great in its own ways. But if you really want to play the game at the highest level, America is the place to do it. Everyone else is just trying to catch up. Or they are enjoying a happy low stress life of wine and women with a high standard of living and low inequality — which are definitely unamerican ideals XD

  •“Systemd is the future”
    12 days ago

    I guess reading the history, systemd did a better job of dependency resolution and parallel loading of startup services. Then some less interesting stuff like logins, permissions, and device management - which definitely seems out of scope. There’s been like 15 alternatives since it was made, but none of them got critical mass, and now pretty much every mainstream distro can’t run without it. Sad face

    While I’m here complaining, I really miss the days when Arch was configured from a single global file that handled many things like setting your hostname, locale, etc. I think it was dropped bc of maintenance & being not unixy enough. Kinda ironic

  •“Systemd is the future”
    12 days ago

    I mean that argument is ridiculous, saying that things are “documented” when the thing is literally called tmpfiles.d and the man page starts with the following explanation:

    It is mostly commonly used for volatile and temporary files and directories (such as those located under /run/, /tmp/, /var/tmp/, the API file systems such as /sys/ or /proc/, as well as some other directories below /var/).

    So basically some genius decided that its a good idea to reuse this system for creating non-tmp directories. Overall my opinion of systemd is reluctant acceptance though I always wondered why the old way was a problem. Need a service started on boot? Well, we had crontab and sysvinit with some plain files. Need a service shut down? Well that’s the kill command. I guess I don’t really know why systemd was made

  • Lung@lemmy.worldtoPrivacy@lemmy.worldWhat's the best messaging platform?
    25 days ago

    It’s basically just Signal if you want ease of use + good security. Not totally 100% since it is funded almost exclusively by the US govt, and I can’t be sure if the encryption is not backdoored, but it’s the best bet we got. IRC: not secure, XMPP / Matrix maybe ok but hard to use for most, Telegram wouldn’t really trust though in theory has e2e, Whatsapp and Google world stuff even less faith. Honestly none of it is super great, but Signal has the best balance imo. There’s also some crypto based messaging stuff that’s used on darknets but that’s the clunkiest

    I think the only fully guaranteed method is having a pre shared one time pad encryption key between two parties & then send the encrypted text however you want (ex post on a far corner of a mostly dead online forum or Reddit). That doesn’t have any fancy algos that may be bugged, or private/public key stuff

  • What Bartsbigbugbag meant to say is “the US has been actively inching closer to China for decades and has completed a full military base / trade wall that spans across the entire set of islands - Japan, Taiwan, Philippines - outlining the entire east / south China seas and reducing China’s economic/military power”

    China has ample reason to be pissed at this. It’s actually a very impressive contain if you look at the positions of our military bases and trade routes. But it’s also just normal Risk-style territory control that all superpowers play with. Nobody is really the bad guy here, and the island countries like their situation - like Japan, historic enemy of China - gets to enjoy doing nothing while America basically runs their entire military for them