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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • I’m not. The US Military is sneakily a very large commercial partner in Hollywood. They frequently loan out equipment, bases, personnel, and more to movies that depict the armed forces as good guys. Top Gun, Battleship, Goldeneye, Iron Man 1/2, The Day After Tomorrow, and the Transformers movies are all sponsored by the US Military. So it makes sense they’d be at a movie/culture festival. Not to mention it’s a target rich environment for their core demo: men between the ages of 18 and 25

  • American tax forms have an “other income” field. That’s where you can report any money you’ve made not covered by the other fields including any ill gotten gains. That section doesn’t require you to list a source, and even if it did nobody expects you to list “$7,800 - meth sales, $32,200 - crack sales, $50,000 - robberies”. You’d just say “Other income - $90,000”

    The logic being that if the government never gives you the opportunity to pay taxes on something, then they can’t charge you with tax evasion. Plus there’s a lot of money in crime! If the US can get a piece of that pie they will!

    Finally, the IRS is an already underfunded organization and contrary to the popular narrative, is very easy to work with. If you make a genuine good faith effort to pay your taxes and they find issues, an agent will work with you to resolve it. They’ll set up payment plans, defer payments, and more if you’re cooperative. All this is to say that reporting people for crimes besides tax ones and terrorism (the only one they’re legally required to report to outside agencies) just makes their job harder, so they don’t

  • makeshiftreaper@lemmy.world
    totumblr@lemmy.worldGood to the last drop
    21 days ago

    I think the joke is that “squirt” from women is pee and people do a lot of mental gymnastics to avoid saying they’re getting pissed on. Like an equivalent to a yellow snow joke. It also hinges on the fact that Squirt the beverage is a grapefruit soda that also doesn’t taste anything like lemonade

  • My last few movies were:

    • Furiosa: it was alright, but the music was really lacking for me which was a big part of why I like the first one. It was also slower which I think is a mistake for something so heavily focused on cars/speed 2.5/5
    • Mad Max Fury Road: Now this shit rocks. Action packed, great music, immediately to the point. Much better than the Mel Gibson films, including Thunderdome 4/5
    • Cloverfield: I was looking for some horror and heard good things about the other ones. This had cool parts, but even by horror movie standards these protagonists were so insanely stupid I couldn’t focus on the movie. Every decision made was the wrong one 2/5
    • Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog: I was drunk and needed to kill an hour. I sang the whole thing and had a great time 4/5
    • I saw the TV Glow: This was a rollercoaster. I liked it, then was irritated, then it explained what was happening and I really liked what was happening, then it got to the end and lost me again. I think different editing could have made this better. Still very cool 3.5/5
    • Blackberry: I have no idea how close to reality this was but the story was compelling and people felt like a lot of the people I work with in tech. 4/5

  • As a book reader Messiah wraps up Paul’s story, which is what I assume Dennis is going for. There’s absolutely no reason to make Children unless you want to make God-Emperor and God-Emperor would be very difficult to make into a watchable movie. Plus going past that would be outside most regular viewers’ tastes. So I expect he’ll mostly do Messiah, sprinkle some bits from Children in there and leave it with a pretty solid ending that could be continued. Spoiler prediction:


    I’d guess he’ll end it with Leto II assuming control of Arrakis and the Empire while looking at a sandworm in the distance or sandworm larva, hinting at where God-Emperor is going

  • I mean we’re already discussing porn, so I’ll just point out most of the “gonewild” posters are just advertising their onlyfans. Do you think every single article posted here is done so with pure intention? Several of the popular apps for lemmy have banner ads. I hate ads more than the average person (in real life not on lemmy) and even I acknowledge that you’ll never escape them. Even when you totally ban them, they still will be present

    I think we all know there’s going to be a few bigger instances that people use for lemmy and those ones will eventually resort to ads to keep the lights on. Historically, that doesn’t cause users to run away screaming and lemmy instances not federated with the most popular instances will face a tough uphill battle retaining users