I’d rather not. Talking to liberals is migraine-inducing.
I’d rather not. Talking to liberals is migraine-inducing.
If you don’t know what the term “radical” means, at least have the courtesy to not use it in sentences.
Blamed by WHOM?
"The Weimar Republic, Germany’s 12-year experiment with democracy liberalism, came to an end after the Nazis came to power
FTFY. Liberalism is anti-democratic and inevitably leads to fascism when it fails to protect the capitalists’ precious status quo.
“modern prohibitions of human trafficking in the United States have their roots in the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which barred slavery and involuntary servitude in 1865.”
Ummm, the 13th Amendment (supposedly) “barred” slavery, Counterpunch? Let’s check quickly, shall we?
Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
Nope. Still looks to me like slavery is as perfectly legal and perfectly institutionalized in the US as ever.
But I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that a tankie-loving rag such as Counterpunch will be perfectly fine with slave labor as long as Big Brother says it’s okay.
With US out of NATO, it is a point closer to Europe to threaten Europe.
The US has Britain, which is essentially a US client state these days.
ushering in the last 16 years of radicalization
Accepting fascism is “radical” now?
President of what?
I live in a dumpster FIRE.
Seems like a surefire way to get a promotion these days.
Fuck tolerance.
See? It’s that easy. No paradoxes required.
It is only a matter of time before pigs or some paramilitary pig-wannabes perpetrate a massacre of protestors in the US.
When (not if) they do, watch out… it will be open-season on anybody that’s marginalized or slightly left than Heinrich Himmler.
I sure hope you all are ready for this.
Sounds totes like a “classless” system, eh folks?
This is true… but it doesn’t change the power dynamic at play at all - merely the stakes for the individual involved.
Yea but the charity has to be nice to you since they depend on volunteers.
How is this any different from the, “if you don’t like your job you can just leave” argument?
The presence of a safe word doesn’t exclude the existence of a hierarchy in the same way that “checks and balances” doesn’t make a hierarchy any less hierarchical.
Voluntary hierarchies are not a thing.
Sounds like a shittake emanating from the same kind of anarchists that loudly proclaim the values of “leaderless” organisation before posting a meme glorifying Nestor Makhno.
Call Israel a Nazi regime or call it a kapo regime… it all pretty much boils down to the same thing.
Brits literally turned against and fought the Communist Resistance
The Yanks did pretty much the same thing in northern Italy.
Damn. So that means all males (including me) are technically transgender.
I think I’ll have some coffee, then.
I just discovered today that the Soviet army’s boots were made by prison labor throughout the Cold War, and that never changed afterward. Just like the US army’s kevlar helmets!