• 28 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 24th, 2023


  • I think a huge misstep of the original argument is “career politician bad”. Biden is seen as a one man “dynasty” because he has ~50 years of experience. Obama and Clinton are only seen as dynasties because they had active First Ladies so there’s a “power couple” image.

    I think it’s fair to say there are political dynasties- the Kennedy’s, the Bushes- and it makes sense that they will tend to happen naturally. If my dad was president of the United States, at the age of 12 I’d have a much better understanding of the Washington Political Machine than most people.

    Usually when we think of “Outsider” candidates, we think of people who have 0 government experience who enter the arena. Notice that Trump isn’t mentioned in the post. Ofc Trump was as embedded in the Washington establishment as much as anyone else when he ran in 2016, having ran for president previously and using the ol’ “wine and dine” method generously to help him get a leg up in business.

    I personally don’t think it’s a bad thing to have a ton of experience in getting a lot of people to do one thing together- oddly enough that’s an INCREDIBLY HARD THING TO DO. We need all sorts of people in politics in order to represent the people accurately. The Tim Walz’s and AOC’s in congress brought so much to the table- they know what it’s like to grow up as the everyday American. The Biden’s and the Pelosi’s have been removed from that world for so long it’s understandable they might not have the most accurate picture of modern American life, but they do have the deep understanding for how to get things done. In Biden’s single term, he has outpaced most presidents in getting legislation passed. I remember being optimistic in 2020 hoping Biden would be a modern LBJ, and by gum I think ol’ Joe did it.

  • I looked it up and a block in Chicago (where I live) is between 100 to 600 meters.

    Chicago and New York have similar walkability, at least in my experience.

    Nearest Grocery Store is 1.2 km (0.8miles) away from me, I usually take my bike to go shopping

    Nearest park is like… 50 feet from me (15meters) but I happen to live right next to a park.

    Nearest cornerstore is 300 meters

    Nearest train station is 600 meters

    Nearest library is 800 meters

    To add some more,

    Nearest bar is 400 meters away

    I’m a musician, within 1km of me there are 4 open mics I can go to

    Nearest theater is the Music Box which is 1.2 km away

    Nearest baseball stadium is 1 km away

    God I love Chicago

  • meep_launcher@lemm.eetome_irl@lemmy.worldme_irl
    10 days ago

    idk, I know that there are great companies to work for- my sister found a unicorn of a job. Great pay (and hourly), tons of vacation, work from home, a decent amount of travel but not too much (she’s in sales for a scientific instrument company), but I have job hopped enough to know that what she has is now becoming the exception. And of course to your point, this is all anecdotal. I’m now self employed and I’ve never been busier nor happier.

  • I worked at a preppy catholic school in Chicago. Every year they had a Gala with an auction where people would throw around $60k like it was nothing. Afterwards all the parents of students I taught were plastered and grinding on each other on the dancefloor, and then I was invited to a sex party in the hotel they stayed at. Being 20 years younger than these folks, I was really weirded out.

    Catholics go hard.

  • I’ve had good and bad interactions with them, so I just think “hey they are flawed (hopefully) human beings that have good days and bad days”. Chances are if I treat them (or anyone) kindly, the interaction will be positive.

    My goal online is to try and be a wholesome user, although that doesn’t always happen. I usually delete my comments when I don’t like how I acted with someone else as I want to remind myself to take a kinder approach to Lemmy. There’s enough toxicity online.

    I think “would Mr. Rodgers approve?”

  • meep_launcher@lemm.eetome_irl@lemmy.worldme_irl
    2 months ago

    I love Kurzgesagt!

    That was one of those videos that put my perspective on a 180. I was very much in the camp of “intake-expence= weight gain/loss”, but the body is much more clever than I thought.

    A big thing they hit on though is what exercise is good for. Exercise doesn’t make you lose weight or live longer, but it does improve your quality of life. My parents are overall super happy people, and at 69 and 70, my parents were taking me on a 20 mile bike ride before they hit the pickleball court and then to the gym. My old folks can run me ragged, and knowing my grandparents and great grandparents lived until their 90s, I know they are doing everything they can to try and make sure the last 20 years of their lives aren’t stuck inside.

    For me, I was diagnosed bipolar after a manic episode at 20, and now at 30 I’m considered 8 years in remission. I owe that to meds, being soberish (It comes and goes like the tide), but most importantly is that I run a 5k 3 days a week, hit the climbing gym the other three, and yoga once a week for recovery and stretching my poor I.T band.

    When I’ve been high and on the couch, I’ve been miserable. When I was high and at the gym, much less so. Studies show that exercise is as effective if not better than most SSRIs, at least according to every psych I’ve talked to.

    My mentality to it is a) I love the happy chemicals and b) I’m curious of what my body can do.