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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • Mate, please, he taught English here for 1 year. I’ve been in engineering, marketing, and finance roles for over 20. So I’ve got a pretty good feel for what it’s like here and don’t need any additional “context”. Do I think we should get more time off? Yes. But go take a look at what Americans get and how much OT they work and then tell me Japanese work culture is so bad. I’ll give you a hint, they get fuck all and average more OT hours than us (9 hours weekly compared to 6 in Japan). And have you ever heard of 996? That’s literal slavery in China. Could Japan do better? Sure, but it’s not the 80s anymore for christ sake, it’s different here now.

  • I’m from Tokyo and have been working 20+ years, the idea that all Japanese work themselves to death is meme nowadays. Yes, it was like that before, and there are still a few companies like that now, but it’s not representative of the whole anymore. We do get vacations. There are 16 public holidays a year, 10 vacation days required by law with an extra day for each year of service at the company, and the government will fine companies that don’t force their employees to use at least half of them every year.

    “Overtime” is also a bit of a joke. The average salaryman does probably 2 hours real work every day. The rest is just trying to look busy while dicking around on facebook. And attitudes about that are slowly changing too. I rarely see anyone younger than 35 hang around the office late to look busy anymore, they know there’s no point because it’s not going to get you a raise or a promotion anyways.

  • I’m from Tokyo, so I’m saying this as someone with a direct stake in the matter, but is this really a problem? The Earth is on fire right now, the oceans are literally boiling, it is face-melting hot here. The consequences of the period of unsustainable growth are finally coming to pass. There was a report yesterday saying we’d passed the yearly mark for what the planet can provide, and we’d need 1.7 Earths now to meet everyone’s needs. So maybe naturally reducing the population isn’t such a bad thing.