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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • All major powers are deep in this mire, African countries, Brazil in its previous election, China, N. Korea, Russia, Saudis, U.S. and others are in various stages of being under attack, by the others, as well as attacking others. This warfare has a low barrier of entry, is cheap, and when it works, works amazingly well.

    The cluster f*** that the world is in, now, is the result.

    Whaddaboutism is playing some pretend moral ground game where the imaginary points don’t matter. If you are playing this game, you are missing what is actually happening.

    Full disclosure, I am against fascism and oligarchies in all forms. They are all corrupt.

  • And when I hear of children being killed and some beheaded, I understand the hate and fear of the monstrosity that pushes this. The human shields of innocent civilians and hostages, put in place to protect military installations, demonstrates disregard of all humanity, wrapped in rabid zealotry. The reason that extreme military tactics such as crimes against humanity were put in place was also to leave a path to peace after hostilities end. Otherwise, we sink to genocide as the only solution. Zealots ignore this, eventually forcing both sides to adopt a kill them all mentality. Humanity loses.