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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Gen Z here, after creating my mastodon account on an infosec instance and using that for a while, I found out about Lemmy and ditched reddit for good. So after registering on a smaller furry instance through my browser and trying a couple of different apps, I ended up here… not all of us are dumb ipad kids. Don’t get me wrong either, most of my generation are indeed a bunch of skibidi-brains… but there’s some hope anyways. I think. If we survive the civil unrest, climate change, the coming world war, and the general ignorance of the vast majority of our generation… ok maybe we are fucked. I guess we can thank the boomers together for that.

  • Yes, and Google Translate is a huge red flag as well. Having taken six years of Latin in school I can confidently say that Google will lie to your face. Discō does not mean “I go / am going” (eō would be more appropriate). It directly means “I am learning” with “hell” in the ablative case, so it’s assumed to mean “I’m learning (through / by means of) hell / Inferno.” So it’s very poetic, but the given translation of “I am learning by way of hellfire (torture)” certainly works. I’ve seen stranger from Cicero…

  • Google translate sucks at Latin… Discō is in no way “I am going.” It could be translated as “I am learning (by means of, regarding, in some way relating to) hell/“The Inferno” (which could be taken symbolically as torture).” So yeah, they’re stretching the grammar a bit, although I’ve seen worse in Cicero. A less poetic translation would be “Per dolorem disco,” but that’s nowhere near as funny to say aloud…

    Source: 4 years of Henle Latin plus two years prior of grammar and vocabulary.

  • They don’t even need the preachers for that, they abuse their own children. Almost ever evangelical family has some sort of emotional abuse going on, at least in the homeschool groups. I’d know, I was one and my dataset includes hundreds from my cult campus. And I know that out of a class of 10 (we get put with the same small classes for life in the one I was raised in), three had severe depression for their entire childhood, two more intermittently. And of the remaining 8 come high-school (some switched campuses), two engaged in self-harm due to emotionally abusive parents, myself being one of them. And I can’t speak to the prominence of self harm in other classes, but the abuse was a campus wide problem, and 6 out of my class had emotionally abusive parents.

    To sum it up, out of a dataset of 10 who I’ve known personally since we all were five…

    Abuse rate: 75% [6/8] Depression (3+ months): 50% [5/10] Depression (around 5+ years): 33% [3/10] Self-harm: 25% [2/8]

    This is not acceptable. This must end.

  • And worse, they’re not always spilling the blood themselves… ever since the end of the crusades, their victims spill their own blood now… they abuse their non-conforming children until they either assimilate or die - and a few break through and trickle out into the world to show others what Christanity (or abusive religion in general) does to it’s own children… I would know. I have those scars on my arm. Two of us, in my homeschool cult-class of 8 people, have them. And many I’ve never met, because they aren’t around anymore to join us and see that there is life beyond the cult …

  • Or maybe someone just thinks it looks good and would rather not show their bedroom to the entire conference…? And that’s a problem… Why? Because you think the inside of their bedroom is everyone’s business and they’re mentally unwell for being more comfortable with a blurred background?

    Please refrain from sharing your opinions when the only contents thereof are hate towards another individual for something which helps that individual feel more comfortable while effecting absolutely no one in any way whatsoever…

  • From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine. Your kind cling to your flesh, as though it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass you call the temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved, for the Machine is immortal… Even in death I serve the Omnissiah.