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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Artillery has been the focus of headlines because the military doctrine of Russia and Ukraine relies heavily upon its use. While conventional stockpiles of shells are depleted, it’s production will increase over time and will occur independent of additional military preparation. This is not the ammunition for the bulk of NATO forces.

    NATO has an entire modern arsenal of weaponry that is incompatible with Ukraine’s weapons, waiting within arms reach. They’re in talks to acquire F-16s, which are considerably dated compared to the modern stealth fighters, not to mention the stocks of munitions. Ukraine received 31 Abrams tanks. The US alone has thousands, with large numbers considered for retirement due to their age. Not to mention the numbers of infantry fighting vehicles and crews that have trained on all of these systems for years, unlike the rushed training afforded by Ukrainian troops.

    They’re already relying on mass conscription to fill their ranks, rapidly approaching the bottom of the barrel.

  • Non-IT, but dealt with the range of them. I feel like QA is probably the most important job, but hear me out.

    Developers achieve the objective. We’re living in their reality.

    Designers make it useful, without them it would be an esoteric product.

    Project managers take the reigns and keep things moving along. Without them, feature bloat and endless development cycles would occur.

    QA is the one linking everything to the public. They seem superfluous, but they are the safeguard. Are they tedious? Yes. Are they a PITA? Also yes. But their objective is to ask a single question: “is this gonna come back to bite somebody in the ass?” Is probably the most important and they’re the first person who gets paid to think about it in any detail aside from the sys admin.

    The sys admin, to be fair, is literally Neo from the matrix, left to stop every visible bullet left from QA (such that they’re visible bullets and not a wall of lead). They know the damage and triage the wounded, can’t blame them for being bitter about dealing with the wounded every day.

    But we all know deep down that engineer that has the mentality, “how can we…” but doesn’t necessarily think through every possible way that we apes can mess things up. And to that effect, enough monkeys banging on typewriters for long enough, something is gonna go wrong.

    Perspective from a biologist, so keep your salt unless you’re gonna bitch about your blots.

  • I think it’s important to separate the narrative of the hostages themselves versus the scores of dead bodies left on October 7th, which were the focus of this report. I have been looking for evidence to confirm or refute these allegations for months, and the issues surrounding it can be summarized mainly as stemming from evidence collection.

    Due to the active fighting in the area, forensics did not arrive to process the body until days later, leading to a significant loss of forensic evidence as the bodies decayed in the heat for days. Without that, there’s no evidence to indicate exactly what transpired in terms of sexual crimes and why the investigation has gone down its current path.

    I don’t know how much of the evidence they’ve collected will be made public, but the descriptions in the linked report are very graphic and leave little doubt that sexual assaults took place.