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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • And many of the most stubbornly ignorant potential voters in swing states declare smugly, from their ivory tower of lazy truthiness - which they refer to as “purity” and “enlightenment” - that bOtH pArTiEs ArE tHe SaMe LoL aMiRiTe.

    Insisting against all reason and evidence that their absence from the 2016 election sent a clear message, made them the opposite of insignificant… when what they actually did was drop a goddamned pellet of cyanide into their own drinking water, along with everyone else’s.

    Demanding a charismatic messiah god-king, willfully ignoring that what they are electing (or not electing) is a system of governance with thousands of employees at all levels. Like a pathological, medieval peasant mindset that they seem unwilling or unable to transcend.
    “Massage me with a single voice, who cares about the rest.”

    Shitting like monkeys on the importance of the Supreme Court, unable to grasp the far-reaching importance of it.
    Unable to grasp how massive coordinated republican stonewalling and sabotage can be to scuttle the best intentions of whatever charismatic messiah god-king might happen to try and arise.

    They keep giving the keys to the kingdom to republicans, keep them powerful, then get pissed at Democrats when they can’t clean up the mess fast enough, with one hand tied behind their back.

    You can’t change a system overnight, you nudge the inertia one election at a time, but judging from the mediocre seesaw of the flaky, lazy and petulant electorate, it seems no momentum can ever be built.

  • It became the norm when all those bOtH pArTiEs ArE tHe SaMe LoL aMiRiTe lazy mediocre idiots enabled republicans into office by not voting in elections.

    Nothing of value gets done, nothing of value can get done, when these non-voting idiots keep on allowing republican pigs to take the entire nation on a petulant, ignorant, reckless joyride.

    Then when Democrats don’t have enough time in power to clean up the mess - all the while being undermined and sabotaged by republicans in a slight minority, consumed by rage at not being the dominant party - the idiots shoot everybody in the foot, including themselves, with their mediocre, myopic mantra… yOu SeE? bOtH pArTiEs ArE tHe SaMe LoL aMiRiTe

    Predictable and flat, like cartoon characters, utterly unintelligent. As much a product of the educational system as their batshit #maga next door neighbor.

  • This would not have happened if the non-voting bOtH pArTiEs ArE tHe SaMe LoL aMiRiTe idiots had bothered to vote in 2016, allowing republicans to stage a executive and legislative right-wing coup of the supreme court.

    But here we are. And their ostrich head-in-the-sand response to this ruling and their passively complicit role in it will most likely and idiotically be, once again, yOu SeE? bOtH pArTiEs ArE tHe SaMe LoL aMiRiTe

    “I voted once ten years ago, and I didn’t get my pony overnight. bOtH pArTiEs ArE tHe SaMe LoL aMiRiTe
    Now thanks to these lazy, mediocre “muh purity” reprobates cutting off their noses to spite ALL our faces, things are now sliding faster toward a “yee-haw!” banana republic from within.

  • niktemadur@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldNext explain cars
    17 days ago

    Imagine the intensity of narcissistic behavior during the Middle Ages, when some people were superior due to divine birthright. Imagine breeding only with your own extended family to keep the bloodline pure, and thinking that was a natural stroke of brilliant strategizing.

    You think the priests and nobles didn’t gaslight each other all the time with this framework in place? Now imagine the rest of the population, because being accused of things like heresy and witchcraft seem like the ultimate level of gaslighting.

    Thankfully, the invention of the printing press was right around the corner. Then it was only a matter of time before the ideas of men like Newton, Franklin, Voltaire and Rousseau spread like wildfire among the population, and this medieval religious tyranny lost its’ monopoly on power.

  • My recommendations to you are as follows:

    My favorite Altman film overall probably might have to be The Long Goodbye. Check out how the camera is always moving, if even slightly; there are no static shots. Midway through the movie, the great Sterling Hayden steals the show. And keep an eye out for a very, very young Ahnold Schwarzenegger in a bit role as literal and figurative muscle for the batshit insane bad guy.

    Brewster McCloud is a bonkers twisted fantasy that caught me by surprise by how much I enjoyed it, it’s about a kid who:

    1. Lives in the Astrodome in secret, in a forgotten construction nook, a big one, between walls and floors.
    2. Wants to be able to fly.
    3. Is being encouraged by an older woman, who might actually already know how to fly.

    Also, there are people being killed all over town, and it might have something to do with all this.