I wanted too but customs, tax, shipping, burocratic paperwork. It’s not worth it and you will pay in some cases double the price… Plus waiting and in case of issues the waiting period and risk of lost parcels… Nightmare…
The Czech Republic citizen so excuse my English language mistakes 🫡
I wanted too but customs, tax, shipping, burocratic paperwork. It’s not worth it and you will pay in some cases double the price… Plus waiting and in case of issues the waiting period and risk of lost parcels… Nightmare…
New Mission Impossible is really good.
Also after reading first book I watched the extended version of The Fellowship of the Ring. Obviously a master piece…
I stopped in half cause it was literally unwatchable and extremely inconsistently boring to me, despite being a genre I like with actors I like. It’s matter of subjectivity…
PS: Please don’t write me that if I finished it I’d might understand or like it. If I don’t like half of the movie, I’m simply not finishing it.
I wish you that but I am quite picky and don’t like animated stuff. 😇
I acknowledge only Nolan’s trilogy. But I don’t like comic book movies in general. This trilogy persuaded me that even comic book adaptations can be good.
Unfortunately I was ripped of my money and time by voluntarily watching this in cinema. That’s my fault that I believed its trailer. Last time I made that mistake. Next time I just wait a week longer for review…
You know… Everybody likes something else. You still might like it.
I like a lot of movies which doesn’t have a lot of positive reviews. 😇
You really cannot compare these two. 🤣
But propably I should go to see Saw than The Creator…
It’s mediocre at best.
Unfortunately not only looks like that…
I’ve seen it yesterday and I completely agree with you. Such a waste of money and time… I was so amazed during first 5 minutes but after an hour I wanted it to finally end.
You will be very disappointed…
Also I think that part of the problem is CGI. Before CGI movie makers needed to take the shot for the first time (cause money) so everyone was max concentrated and gave everything into their performance. Also everything needed to be precise to make sense. Nowadays it doesn’t matter… Just do few shots in front of green screen and we’ll do the rest.
Of course there are exceptions, but the mainstream money-making machine is taking this movie soul-sucking path to produce quantity not quality in order to make piles of money. They don’t care about art.
He’s right. Not that comic book movies are bad but how they are made is bad (also other movies nowadays). Batman trilogy is magnificent and I don’t like comic books… It’s all about constant action and no plot and thrilling parts to graduate the plot. You don’t need bambilion of explosions to have a good movie (Joker).
Open minded person you have my full support. (y)
Both propagandas are bad. They obviously want to make themselves look better than the other and the other as bad as it gets. This kind of information war is a basic instrument in wars since Americans invented it.
To your question that both are bad… Russian are killing people which is bad but to say that Ukrainian soldiers are good and that Ukrainians were saint nation before the war is a false statement as well.
From my point of view Ukraine is just a victim of global politics. To blame only Russia for this development is not fair cause Americans pushed them to this.
When USA attacked Iraq everyone was praising them and not placing sanctions against them even though that all reasons they provided to attack were intentionally falsified. And millions of civilians died and were tortured. But it’s middle east so why would west care, right?!
As a matter of fact I don’t give a damn what you prefer. 🤣
I would be extremely careful about these claims from Ukrainian officials. They showed before that they are capable of anything to have attention of mainstream press and western countries. It’s propaganda on both ends - Russian and Ukrainian.
I don’t want to be cruel but natural selection has its meaning. We as a society are exaggerating helping and healing some individuals who should rather be alone somewhere where they can live peacefuly or weirdly without depleting our resources. It is already out-of control and will end by the end of our civilization. It’s inevitable.
Child is a child and should be watched and teached but severely mentally ill individual cannot be integrated. And if someone wants to die on the see, just fucking let him.
Wtf, how can a post in a piracy group be a link to a site that won’t let you read an article unless you subscribe or create an account…?!