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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023

  • Calling people stupid and lazy in nicer words is still calling people stupid and lazy.

    I think that’s a bit unfair here. What I’m saying is that expectations often seems to be that “Linux should be effortless, but it isn’t, so Linux sucks”, and then we quickly talk past each other on which aspects we are referring to. Let me make up three categories:

    For users transitioning to Linux from Windows, and …

    1. … it shouldn’t be an effort, but unfortunately sometimes is frustrating or annoying
    • Hardware control, e.g. drivers. More often than not it works with less effort than on Windows, except for very new hardware, and hardware that actually requires specific software (RGB led patterns, Gaming mouse profiles, all that stuff)
    • NVidia drivers can be a pain
    • When dual booting and Windows manages to fuck up something in Linux, and it looks like Linux is the culprit. (E.g. restart the computer from Windows, but it doesn’t release claim on hardware, which doesn’t let Linux claim it, so stuff like the WiFi adapter might not work.)
    • Specific software not available, like Adobe, Autodesk, etc.
    1. .… is something you can get someone else to do for you, but it’s just how things are, unrelated to Windows -> Linux or the other way around.
    • Installing the OS – downloading ISO, burning a bootable USB, BIOS, etc…
    1. … it’s expected that you figure out / learn, and if unwilling, Linux isn’t for you
    • Using the OS, which at the very least, cursory knowledge of the software/package manager, and roughly how this works.
    • Familiarizing yourself with KDE / Gnome, etc.

    So, I assume people who just thought I was calling people lazy and dumb thought I meant categories 1. and 2. I just mean category 3. If you expect everything to be the same as Windows, and the effort required to understand the differences is too much, then only Windows will fit your needs. The impression I get is a general unwillingness to “figure stuff out”. Not knowing shit is fine, complaining and not wanting to put in the effort to know stuff… how is that not being lazy?

    It was intended as kind advice without any the implied judgement of calling people dumb or lazy. If you don’t want to have to figure stuff out related to the third category, Linux will likely not be a good experience, or even a productive or good change. If you move to another country, you should make the effort to learn the culture. It’s not a good look to complain that things are different.

    If I were to try to suggest “a point” with all of this: Don’t suggest to people that Linux is effortless for Windows users. Linux is immensely better, in almost every way (though mind examples in first category). But, it requires learning the basics of how shit works. It’s not hard… the information is well put together and available.

  • okamiueru@lemmy.worldtoFuck Cars@lemmy.worldYou can fit two cars there
    3 days ago

    American “I got mine” mentality at its finest. Too much lead poisoning (my leading hypothesis. You don’t elect someone like Trump unless there is something seriously wrong) to realise it’s a race to the bottom. When enough people do something at the expense of others, what a surprise when others also do it at the expense of you, and it all turns to shit.

    It’s this absurd country of “Christian” values, except not the part of caring for others, “fuck that socialism hippie shit, except for Russia, which is cool now because they meddle in our elections… Or, they meddle in favour of my team! We need to do something about the socio-economic situation! What, unions? No fuck that Marxist shit you commie!”

    Etc. It’s all just too dumb. Hence, lead poisoning hypothesis.

  • It’d be some tasty schadenfreude to put parking fine after parking fine. Or even just straight up impound it. It would surprise me if there isn’t some German law or regulation that forbids such cars, same with the Cybertruck.

    Want your stupid preference that is a detriment to everyone around you? Sorry, we don’t do that here.

  • Don’t confuse “I’m used to X” with “X is simpler”

    Windows: Search the Web for some software. Visit webpage. Download executable. Run it. Go through a install wizard. (One month later) Update? Some do it themselves, some just let you know there is a newer version, and a lot of bigger players have a program dedicated to just updating some other program.

    Compared to (for example): paru -S <something>

    That’s it. Updating aaaalll the software in your whole system, including the OS, and you don’t have to restart, or even close any of the programs you are updating? paru

  • I find this question very interesting. What does it mean to “know” a programming language. They map to certain paradigms for how to solve problems, in various degrees, with different tradeoffs there for surrounding tooling, libs, and what not.

    A bunch of the most familiar ones are procedural with different sprinkles on top, and they pretty much do the same things when it comes to the “language” side. So, “knowing” one, or another, IMO, has little to do with the syntax, parsing and keywords, and is much more if you have suffered through cryptic compile errors, figured out good debugging tooling, etc.

    Which is to say, if we compare these two list

    • C++, Haskell, Prolog
    • C++, Java, Python, Rust, Kotlin, Objective-C, Dart, etc

    I’d consider the first one much more impressive in terms of diversity in “knowing programming languages”. And, I say that as someone belonging squarely in the latter.

  • The image of USA is not good, at all, if that’s what you’re asking. I used to care, but some time around 2016 I simply gave up. Something about an obvious grifter and professional fuckwit, seriously considered to lead anything other than a burger to his fat face. The alternative, although infinitely better, is clearly suffering from some dementia. It’s just a shit show.

    And that’s just the politics. But it mirrors most other fucked up things in the US. The obvious and effective approaches are not considered. So… best to not spend too much effort and hope the impact of it reaching critical mass isn’t too bad.

  • I see. Thanks! Looking at wikipedia, it sure seems to be a case of an overloaded term.

    I don’t generally use the first and second one you mention, because it’s in the “common sense / obvious” realm, and I don’t like to use complicated sounding jargon for simple concepts. For example:

    // Good:
    // Bad:
    MyClass(configValue) // which insides does something a'la resource = Resource(configValue))

    If this is an example of dependency inversion… hm, I suppose. I suppose having a word for it is fine. “Inversion” also doesn’t make much sense if you start out thinking that’s what makes sense to begin with. As for the “dependency injection”? Sounds complicated, but really isn’t. Not sure who these kinds of terms are supposed to help.

    As for DI frameworks using the word injection. I’ve always thought made sense. Because the connotations of injections feel applicable. No one looks forward to “an injection”, and aside from the obvious, its usually done by someone else, and you might not be aware of the details of what happened, and you have no good way of figuring out what it was, or why you suddenly start feeling weird.