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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2023


  • It’s the hot topic of the moment for conservatives, particularly the ones that are getting banned from public sites. Other than that, it’s all culture war shit like abortion, immigration, border walls, etc that all go into xenophobia, misogamy, racism, antisemitism etc. I haven’t seen any real conservative ideas in a decade. Now it’s all a grift. You either have a old idea of what conservative is or just aren’t saying it out loud. Even when Republicans cut taxes, they cut them massively for the rich and give the middle class and poor pennies. Any time someone wants to put more money in lower classes pockets they fabricate some bullshit to block it (Student Loan Forgiveness, Stimulus Checks) all a while giving Businesses Billions and removing oversight (PPP Loans).

  • He’s really turned into one of his catch phrases: A Whiny Little Bitch. Sixty some years of white men controlling everything and the second it’s not overwhelmingly male you can’t make a movie about how it was the vast majority of the time? Get the fuck out of here with your insecure bullshit. You have no reason to whine about people blaming the patriarchy. Don’t be a tone-deaf asshole and you can go through life as a straight white man with little to no pushback for being so. Way less than women continue to get for just being women.