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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 13th, 2023


  • Well then let me explain the situation to you since you apparently come from the same preschool as Captain Dipshit up there:

    Comic book movies, like most mainstream movies, have become hollow, plotless, boring propaganda outlets and mainstream movies in general are partly responsible for fucking up the country for over 20 years now.

    If we want to have a country, that has to change.

    If you don’t stop defending spoiled brats like the immature dipshit I just got done yelling at up there, it’s never going to change.

    Because the reason movie companies pump out shitty CG movie after shitty CG movie year after year, which Martin Scorsese was bitching about to begin with, is because of stupid fucking self-proclaimed peasants like @emptyother who pay money for it.

    It’s a self-reinforcing fucking brainwashing system. And it’s bad for democracy.

    And instead of getting upset that I’m angry about it, you should be angry about it, or at least you would if you actually gave a fuck not only about our country but our planet.

    Is that simple enough or would you like me to draw it out in crayon?

  • And you’re STILL not listening.

    You’re still just trying to win something and offering nothing of any meaningful substance justifying content like that, and you’re doing it because you know you are wrong.

    It’s irrelevant what country you’re from; Trump and his fascism have become a global phenomenon, and the only ones that really are to blame are people like you openly being anti-intellectual, thinking it’s okay and defending it. It’s not okay to not think for yourself. It’s not okay to support media that tells you doing that is okay. It’s not okay to support media that tells you intellectuals are self-important snobs you should ignore. It’s not okay to support media that is geared by focus groups with the explicit purpose of shutting off your brain and telling you what you want to hear. None of that shit is okay, ever, in a democracy. I presume you live in a democracy, anyway. If you don’t, that goes a long way toward explaining a lot of why you think the way you do.

    Here in democracies, the people are the ones who are running the show, and in order to run the show, the entire populace has to be educated.

    Media that, explicitly and implicitly through applied psychology, discourages people from being educated directly harms all democratic societies and they’re usually made with that purpose. We have a word for it, we call it propaganda and it’s designed to exploit suckers like you so demagogues like Trump can get themselves money and power. And they use that propaganda to convince you to vote for and support bad policies that destroy countries and destroy lives. Exhibit A: Brexit.

    And your ass fell for it hook, line and sinker.

    But once again, you’re never the problem. You’re just some peasant so how could your actions possibly have such far-reaching effects? How could you all giving corporate monoliths billions of your dollars collectively not negatively impact the rest of us who actually are trying to run a functional democracy?

    You couldn’t possibly be the problem, no, it’s just someone else who had the nerve to get all angry and uppity about it.

    When we get rid of the fucking fascists, we’re taking away your right to vote.

  • It’s lucky we have dumbasses like you who enable rabble-rousers by justifying their anger, hurt and emotional pain when they’re told the truth. Damn lucky, otherwise how would Republicans ever hope to get elected?

    As if fascism hasn’t become a worldwide phenomenon because of the American people buying into garbage propaganda that tells them what they want to hear, knowing that American movies have heavy global influence and not even considering that it would spread worldwide because they can’t be assed to watch where they spend their money.

    You know there are people from Canada, the EU and the UK that openly support Trump himself and push for similar policies to be passed in their countries, right?

    You do know this?

  • Let me explain this to you like the 4 year old that you are:

    Because acting all “out-of-touch academic in the ivory tower” (your words, not mine) thats a so damn typical fascist move, that has been caricatured in multiple movies, that I cant help point it out

    That is anti-intellectualism.

    They’re telling you lies about how scientists and academics think and act to convince you not to listen to them when they tell you they’re wrong.

    They’re telling you you’re wrong on everything from the climate crisis to how the political system works to what movies and media are for because they study the world for decades and therefore know more about how they work than you do.

    You could have learned everything they did and more if you actually grew up, humbled yourself and listened to them, but instead you chose to be a selfish, indolent, immature dipshit.

    You chose to let your feelings get hurt by people who told you you are wrong and instead of re-examining your thought processes and behavior, you chose to blame everybody else, especially the academics who

    And the movie industry saw that, and exploited you by forcing writers to put arguments between characters in their scripts that let characters who think like you win the arguments. To let you get back at those meanie academics who only told you the truth and make them feel the emotional pain you feel. To let you win.

    And they raked in billions of your dollars, and all of you saw those types of characters win movie after movie, and began to believe what they had to say was true.

    So you didn’t listen to academics who warned you that Donald Trump was a fascist.

    You didn’t listen to academics who told you burning fossil fuels was going to destroy the planet.

    You didn’t listen to academics when they told you society is getting ready to collapse.

    And guess what the fuck happened? Donald Trump made off with our fucking nuclear secrets, the climate has reached 1.5C warming and has started to trigger climate feedback loops, and we’re about to have a fucking civil war.

    So thanks, you selfish, immature, indolent, spoiled little brat.

    You destroyed our country because you can’t see that the way you view the world and approach problems is the problem, and you likely will never face responsibility for it until you are forced to, if that.

    Until you change, my judgement of you will not, and as long as you whine about it instead of thinking about what Martin Scorsese is telling you, it will be justified.

  • Which is what you do when you do something wrong and then demand everyone has to conform to your way of thinking when called out on it. Because you portray yourself as an ignorant common man standing up to the out-of-touch academic in the ivory tower who tells you facts you don’t want to hear. Because you think that’s an acceptable way to live. Because you refuse to see how doing that hurts everyone else.

    You might think of thinking and intellectual investment as egregious violations of your human rights, but that’s not how the real world works. You are an adult with responsibilities who is helping to run a democracy, and as such, you do in fact have to think and consume content that helps you think. It’s called growing up and you and the rest of the United States badly need to do it before Trump and his little cult exploits your refusal to stop being a child to commit genocide.

    This shit happening with movies is having far-reaching effects throughout all of society and you see it as well as we do; you just don’t want to take responsibility for it.

    You are a child.

  • That just sounds like immature drivel from someone angry they’re being called out for not thinking about anything.

    The existence of low-quality garbage does not justify its existence and the fact is that post-endgame Marvel movies SUCK. And they suck because they do not follow basic rules of plot, building up suspense, meaningful stakes and other important shit the rabble either forgot about or never knew.

    And the fact remains that Americans are suffering because they’re not being exposed to high-level ideas in movies, one of the kinds of entertainment they consume the most, and being actively discouraged from thinking by and large through arguments of your own intended to justify their ignorance to avoid emotional hurt. It’s hurting us as a people. Art isn’t there solely to entertain, it’s there to teach you things and make you think, and one of the things Americans badly need to learn is that life isn’t all about being entertained and having fun. You have to be willing to put on your big boy pants and actually think.

    The fact that there is even a dichotomy between enjoyable movies and movies that make audiences think is what should be upsetting people right now, not Martin Scorsese pointing out truths that make you feel bad.

    Grow up.