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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 29th, 2023


  • it’s possible, but that would seem… odd… for such a large and tech-savvy instance. there’s a lot of reasons why this isn’t a good idea, and very few technical reasons why it is

    my guess is that it’s less about obscuring server location for privacy reasons as is the implications in this thread, and more about handling changes cleanly or something like that - in which case, sure it obscures the server location but more that it makes the server “location” (or hardware, etc) irrelevant and fungible

  • totally agree on almost everything you said, but whilst we’re kinda “expecting it to be paid back”, we realised some time between the end of WW1 and the end of WW2 that expecting to be paid back for stuff like this tends to leave a country very very bitter and generally unable to pay back the money anyway (from what i understand)

    i think whilst it’ll be “on the books”, in the long run it’ll be a case of “you owe us one; make sure you vote to align with the west”

    and TBH, that’s good for everyone (not that the west is perfect, but it’s - in general - a heck of a lot better than the other alternatives)

  • i’m not comparing the whole thing; just breaking the problem down into parts… i’m asserting that your definition of “dead” is wrong. they are not permanently dead, because they can be revived

    we have 3 potential people. either you remain at the end with 1 person, or 2 people… the choice is between action (killing tuvix to save neelix and tuvok) or inaction (allowing tuvix to live, and accepting the death of neelix and tuvok)

    it’s perfectly valid to say that inaction is the ethical choice because you should never personally cause harm… but it’s also perfectly valid to say action (in this case, murder, as we see in the episode) is the ethical choice because it has the greatest good for the most people

    and in fact, the latter is repeated often in star trek: the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few

    and indeed, in this episode they further throw a spanner in the works: the many includes voyagers crew, and their chief security officer

  • they’re talking about an API though, which changes the game a bit. i agree regarding the UX of the situation, but i don’t think the API is the right place to do something like that

    the API should follow the theory of least surprise, and always work the same rather than follow some unwritten rule in certain situations. i say this for 2 reasons (that i can think of right now):

    • unwritten rules like not following expiry lead to “worked on my machine” and difficult to debug scenarios
    • if you break standards like JWT, you can’t do things like offload auth validation to some kind of ingress router because you have extra rules that don’t follow the spec

    you can implement the same functionality in the client app pretty easily which, IMO, is where UX lives. perhaps putting an expiry with “prices refresh in 5min” to get around the complexity of the fact that prices may or may not change or stay the same… i don’t think anyone enjoys when their ride share surge price changes after the app “times out” searching for driver (as in something out of their control, like an opaque timeout) but if they know the amount of time they have they feel in control