Actually, because it’s not a fraudulent oligarchy, Transport Canada is actually investigating
Actually, because it’s not a fraudulent oligarchy, Transport Canada is actually investigating
Nah. This guy is going to get primaried by the people who elected him over Mr. Crudite and then immediately turned and voted against their interests. Unlike that fraud Manchin, hell just bitch up and switch the letter behind his name and run again
Let me guess. He’s TRACING….TRACING……ENHANCE….ENHANlolfuckthissnowflakebitch
Busted for attempting fraud for EV rebates in Canada at numbers not physically possible and being stupid and arrogant enough to think he’d get away with it
Man fuck it, I want to see a full on state sue the shit out of this illiterate skid mark just to annoy it.
It’s amazing how sometimes, it’s the most simple, obvious explanation.
It’s exactly what the GOP wants, the only thing that’s off is that I don’t think even they thought they would be this successful
I would like to sign up for the live stream of all of the faces of Latin/Hispanic voters who were JUST POSITIVE that they were the “good ones”
Honestly, I’m hoping he just speed runs the McAfee plan. Drop down a k-hole into a paranoid delusion and then do the world a favor at the end
Deny water but beg the world for fucking eggs. What a fucking joke this shithole country has become
No. Thanks for your service blah blah blah, but his generation of limp dick, self serving moldy dinner rolls are what got us here in the first place. Take Chuck and Hakeem with you
Of fucking course it’s politically motivated. He’s seeking protection because he is being hunted by a corrupt traitor masking as a “politician”. The politics ARE the motivation. God damn almighty these people are fucking stupid.
Maybe his rich cushy mom won’t, but once all those poor, fat, fraudulent whale welfare queens in the South don’t see their monthly “disability” check, it’ll be a different story.
This orangutan bitch really did achieve Ultimate Karen ascension. It’s almost impressive how fucking literally stupid and ignorant she is.
It’s like watching a blind monkey try to write with an eraser.
Then he’s fucking dumber than I thought. And I already thought he made rocks look fucking brilliant.
Why would Biden to that to them?!
If your economic survival relies on government assistance and handouts, I’d offer that is a poor business plan
Boy, it’s a good thing there aren’t vets that voted R (or other non-insane R’s) that will totally stay home and be quiet.
How absolutely trumpian: weak, pathetic, cheats because it’s the only way to win, whines and cries about fucking everything.