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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • Not the first or last time a call went out to accountability. Unfortunately progress marches ahead with little consideration. The people that should be accountable are not required to be accountable or do they have any motivation to be accountable. Visionaries are typically driven by obsession with little consideration for human cost.

    I don’t think the development of nuclear weapons has an exact parallel to the development of AI or technology in general, but there are some analogies.

    What would have happened if all the the world’s scientists were able to halt the project by saying, “wait we’re not moving ahead until we can be sure of what the future looks like for a world with nuclear weapons.” Turns out the Axis wasn’t anywhere near a working nuclear bomb. The USSR had moles in the Manhattan project and stole the design verbatim. They would not have nuclear bombs either. WWII Americans would have landed on Japanese soil at the cost of a million American soldiers. The war would have drug on, but a win for America would have still happened. No nukes in the world yet, but eventually some country would have found a way to contract the science. We’d be in the same place now. The only difference is it would have happened later.

    So proponents of AI can claim there’s accountability, but for sure someone will develop technology regardless of it. Once it’s done by one, it’s done by all.

  • I’ve noticed that over the years without actually making a list like that. I don’t know why the trend is moving to longer movies, I could guess. Maybe film makers are trying to give people more for their money with the high cost of theater tickets. Or maybe it’s because more people watch from home where length is less of an issue. You don’t have to watch a film in one sitting.

    Keep in mind when movies are made there’s a lot of footage that ends up on the cutting room floor. I’ve noticed these longer movies are more liberal with the editing. They have a good amount of footage that simply doesn’t need to be there. Could be they’re including less relevant scenes due to more relaxed requirements from producers.

    I’ve always thought you could take a six hour mini-series and boil it down to a two hour movie. It’s all a matter of editing and most of the time less is more.

    Oh, the first time I saw a two part theatre release was Matrix 2. That made me so angry because they left it hanging like a serial TV episode. I went to the theatre for that one and paid the premium. I was really mad I paid my nickel and was left hanging like that. I still watched the the third release, but at home following the second one. By the time the third was out and came to DVD, I didn’t remember the second. It was basically a five hour movie.

  • At least they use car mounted cameras and actually drive the car. Cracks me up on old movies when they’re doing front shots and you can clearly tell there’s a screen behind the car playing the background.

    Anyway it’s probably just actors failing to act naturally. If you think about it when you first get in the car you always start with both hands on the wheel, then after going a ways you go to a more natural position. They get in the car put their hands on the wheel and director says action, haven’t been at the wheel long enough to get comfortable.