Lmao, nice non answer. Classic anarchists.
Lmao, nice non answer. Classic anarchists.
Okay, so where do you think justice comes from?
Cool, you’re one of those total idiots who has no plan. We don’t like you. You have no true ideological allies. Enjoy!
I think when Julius Ceasar was assassinated it turned the republic into an empire, IIRC. Might need more people to go to avoid some shit like emperor Vance.
Sigh… I dunno anymore man. What insane times.
Most people like justice…?
Civil religion, that’s a good one 😂
You’re thinking of the law. We like the law when it serves the people. Unless you’re some anarchist.
The Russian navy seems so incompetent I wouldn’t be surprised if it actually was an accident
Preach brother (or sister). I’m 100% with you.
On the bright side, they’ve got lots of guns and ammo for us to ‘liberate’ from them if they ever decide to invade us… I’m planning on making Che Guevara proud, lol
I agree. That’s why I was thinking vice, but 100% we need so many more people like him 😭
A state would never support a rebellion though…. Just because they understand revolution doesn’t mean they allow it under law. That’s not how it works. If you rebel you’re an enemy of the state until you over throw it.
Everyone is looking out for their own interests.
A lot of what you say is debatable and feels like mental gymnastics to avoid what you need to do. Ultimately it doesn’t matter. I don’t need to convince you, pain and suffering will.
I think it was a guess 🤷♂️ or maybe it’s a different currency?
Yeah, he’s a total idiot. That decision has held them back from so much progress… and for what? Saving a negligible amount of money on a very expensive car. Nice.
How is my information fundamentally flawed, exactly? Did the USA have a revolution? Did the very same people who took part in that revolution also turn around and clearly state that it is a right to rebel?
I agreed with your idea that they were oligarchs. How is that relevant? The revolution had help, how is that relevant? Are all oligarchs the same? Is that really a fair claim to make? What about the French? I don’t even feel like you have an argument, you’re just trying to justify your inaction.
I’m in favour of you using whatever example you need to make it make sense to you. Unions or whatever.
Okay sure. Just ignore the main point I was making. Sounds like a thing a coward would do. Have fun living under tyranny.
I’m also Canadian and I am also mad. I’m buying a gun and learning to shoot it. I’m working on custom fpv drones in my free time. I’m using my chemistry degree to com up with potential explosives. This is not me. I wanted to have a life heavy involved in tech l, but I can’t do that anymore.
So many children have been sacrificed for their second amendment rights and now just silence. Absolutely disgusting.
The destruction of teslas is pretty much the Boston tea party part 2 electric boogaloo. Seems like most people would let the British fuck them up forever if they were alive back then.
That sounds like Russian propaganda.
While not that untrue, it’s a pretty bleak interpretation of history.
You could argue the founding fathers were oligarchs but remember… they toppled a monarchy. Doesn’t get more autocratic than that.
You could also imagine some “oligarchs” could see that they benefit from a more equal society.
At the end of the day, the founding fathers clearly support rebellion. Say what you will about them but they were not hypocrites. From the Declaration of Independence:
“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it”
Rebellion is your duty.
Fr let’s go. We cant wait until 2028. AOC president and Bernie vice president (or something like that)? Would be a dream come true…
Cmon judge you’re a Trekkie why do this??
I guess I’m glad Star Trek was mentioned
At first the tribal part of my brain was upset but then I got kinda proud ngl. I know what I’d be doing during the tea party
This is the answer. Though there’s a really small chance someone reverse engineers the whole thing, but I ain’t doin it.