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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 26th, 2023


  • skeptomatic@lemmy.catotumblr@lemmy.worldSSDE
    1 month ago

    You seem a little daft. So I’ll help explain in easier language.
    Trump, bad.
    Biden, bad.
    If Biden win, u get 4 years to protest and complain about policy until your voice is maybe heard, and either way then see new candidate options.
    If Trump win, u no get chance for new candidate after 4 years, cuz he’s a fucking psychopath and won’t give up power. And solidification of more and more power will entail recruitment of more and more zealots which is a path he has shown he is willing to take.
    It will show other power hungry nutjobs coming up that the Trump method works and to get even more radical in future campaigns/movements.
    Then the future zealot-Maga-NeoNazi mob will take complete control as they’ll be planted in all key aspects of government and military and police (already there most likely) and they will normalize hate and start rounding up all the types of humans they fear/dislike or that don’t agree with their views, and they’ll commit fucking genocide on your home fucking soil.
    So if you vote for Biden, there is genocide but you’re not complicit simply because you pay taxes.
    And if you don’t vote Biden, there is even more genocide, but possibly to people you know and love, and you are complicit because you failed to act, and you can kindly fuck off with that dumbshittery.

  • To be fair, at first I’m sure he didn’t mean to be condescending. I have certain friends that use the “poor child” type phrases like that as well, but it’s usually used for a comedic spin, because the language is from a few generations ago. His following reply was shit though 😆 talk about touchy.

  • skeptomatic@lemmy.catoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldTwinsies
    4 months ago

    Lol. For yourself, and others not paying attention, here’s a recap.
    The original post here isn’t actually about any particular policy, it’s about trying to throw shade at people from the center, and possibly imply some/all the woes of the world are the fault of centrist. Some might consider it offensive, or somewhat of an attack. A lot or a little, doesn’t matter, an attack none the less.
    Then I posted to show how people who choose to blame people with more centered views are, in fact, dipshits. Monkeys flinging shit instead of taking any kind of real action to change what they feel is wrong in society. And I’ll add, probably too frightened to actually take their true enemy head-on, and so then naively thinking that a centrist would somehow be more likely to roll over and agree, the easier fight. A hilariously misguided thought.
    And after my internet comment, a reply to an attack on a select group of society, the Einsteins come out of the woodwork and ask genius questions like, “wHy deFenSiVE?”
    It’s pretty comical 😆

  • skeptomatic@lemmy.catoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldTwinsies
    4 months ago

    Man, that low IQ but high effort required to try to demonize people closest to the center. Lol!
    I guess all people domestic terrorists in the center must believe the left and the right are both correct. Wait… both incorrect…? Correct about some things and not others or vice versa…? Wait which is it again?
    Tell ya what , why don’t you whingers from the fringes just throw some more “high quality memes” at it till you got it all figured out.
    Seems like a great use of your time and then both you lefties and righties can bond about their common enemy, people Satan’s Minions in the center, you know, like the way twins would bond over it.
    🤡 show.

  • What’s so insane about all this is that Trump saying something like that out loud means it’s now practically gospel to the vast majority of GOP voters, and might as well be official party policy.

    I truly believe comment like this, and maybe the whole post, is harmful.
    I know you want to state your opinion, but if your goal was to change opinion, this language/post will never, ever, cause a republican to flip or abstain from voting. I don’t believe anybody in the middle would care and it certainly won’t affect lefties.
    In fact you added another “Trump” word to be searched on the net, and added fuel to a dumpster fire.
    It’s like school shooters and mass murderers. We need to stop naming these psychos. It adds to his ego and infamy. Any publicity is good publicity.
    And I imagine, it might even might spark others to follow suit. Everybody is so concerned with Trump, nobody’s thinking about who comes after.