I have a relative that lives off social security. They have no other income will literally die quickly without social security. So yeah I guess they can’t complain if they are dead can they.
I have a relative that lives off social security. They have no other income will literally die quickly without social security. So yeah I guess they can’t complain if they are dead can they.
Yeah good job Columbia University. The bully definitely won’t be back tomorrow and shake you down for your lunch money again
While you are right I do think that a good number are boomers, there are still young people grasping onto these ideas. I am a millennial and have worked with different people across many age ranges who are very conservative including my age or younger. Unfortunately this hyper conservative movement may not go away anytime soon in my opinion.
But I do hope that people in America and elsewhere like you said remain aware of the billionaire parasites that feed off the people. My hope is that some day the conservative ideals squeeze and overstep with their followers so much that they finally wake up and choose different ideals. I hope it happens soon and we can change the future of the world
We have deranged psychopaths in charge of the US. We really are going to have WW3 soon aren’t we
If this continues then Elon will just continue to buy every seat for every Republican moving forward. This needs to be shut down asap or else democracy is dead
They’re not going to release anything that hasn’t been released already. It’s another method of flooding the zone with garage and distractions from what people need to be paying attention to
We need a shake up that includes multi parties and ranked choice voting system. This two party system isn’t working anymore. Now would also be a good time to start a new party with some of these Dems that actually care
Do I think this administration is stupid enough to do something like that? Yes
Do I think this administration would do something even stupider, more corrupt, or evil than your question? Also yes
I’d get rid of that car so fast it would make your head spin. There is no car I’d put up having this garbage to keep
I knew Trump’s corrupt DOJ was going to start doing some unethical nonsense but this is just evil
We’re not cutting the programs, we’re just defunding the agencies in charge of them. Totally different!
Yeah that is true. It’s good to see someone call out the lies when they happen though.
This is hilarious. There’s no world this actually happened but the thought of it is too much