• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • Okay, but even if the USA can’t change the law regarding states bonds, it is virtually impossible that people stop buying US states bonds since the US Dollar is kinda like the most established currency in the world.

    So your argument is completely theoretical.

  • Then stop selling bonds and start investing directly (build schools, repair bridges, pay your employees, etc.).

    Countries don’t have to take the detour through state bonds because they can make money out of thin air. State bonds are a self-imposed and there’s no law of nature that mandates using them.

  • Wie hoch ist überhaupt der Schaden, also wieviel Geld verlässt Deutschland?

    So genau weiß man das nicht, aber die Bundesbank schätzt, dass 2022 insgesamt 7 Milliarden Euro von Ausländern ins Ausland überwiesen wurden. Davon 5 Milliarden innerhalb der EU. Von den restlichen 2 Milliarden über 800 Millionen in die Türkei, weitere 400 Millionen nach Syrien. Bleiben also noch rund 800 Millionen Euro, die in den Rest der Welt überwiesen wurden und da ist ja noch nicht mal gesagt, ob es von Asylbewerbern überwiesen wurde oder nicht.


    Sprich: Die Bundesregierung hat keine Ahnung, wie viele Überweisungen durch die Bezahlkarte verhindert werden, aber es kann sich nur um Peanuts handeln. Die Bezahlkarte hat mit Vernunft getriebener Politik nichts zu zu tun sondern ist nichts weiter als ein Anbietern an die Rechte.

  • Because none of those (except hydro and geothermal, but those are both extremely location dependent) will deal with the baseload power generation we need.

    Is this the problem though? I mean: The sun is shining somewhere at all times and the wind is blowing somewhere at all times. Energy is being produced. The problem is either storing it (okay, batteries are expensive, I get it) or better: distributing it.

    In Germany we have the problem that we are producing a surplus of wind energy in the north but currently we are not able to distribute the energy into the south of Germany which results in needing gas power plants in the south while at the same time shutting down wind generators in the north. This is obviously bad.

    Upgrading our grid would solve this problem and would vastly reduce our need for gas energy. This is costly but is far from impossible.

    1. The total volume of all nuclear waste ever produced by the entire globe is one of the smallest and easiest to manage compared to other forms, filling up less than a football field.

    I didn’t fact check all of you points, but this at least is utter nonsense. In Germany alone we currently have 130.000 m³ of nuclear waste that are stored in temporary storages. We haven’t found a permanent storage yet. 130.000 m³ is equivalent to a 360 m x 360 m square assuming it’s a meter in height. This is certainly more than a football field and this is Germany only.

    We estimate that we have about 300.000 m³ nuclear waste until 2080 because of the ongoing deconstruction of old nuclear power plants… And still we have no idea how to store the waste savely and permanently.

    Source in German: https://www.bge.de/de/abfaelle/aktueller-bestand/