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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Nah. It doesn’t say not to plan. It says to prefer responding to change over planning. Which means both happen but responding to change is more crucial. Or put another way don’t let your plan get in the way of responding to change.

    I’m sure you were being sarcastic, but I get kind of tired of the Agile strawman and people shitting on it. It’s not a complex philosophy yet people extrapolate so much (too much) and then get annoyed when their assumptions don’t pan out well. even performing sprints is an extrapolation, so this meme gets it wrong too.

  • soloner@lemmy.worldtoPrivacy@lemmy.mlWhy don’t you like Apple?
    15 days ago

    Wife spilled some beer in the keyboard. Screen doesn’t turn on, it doesn’t hold a charge, keyboard doesn’t work. But we need sensitive data off the drive.

    Take it to their “genius” bar where we are told there is nothing that can be done for the old data and we should just buy a new one.

    I take it home, Google a bit and try target disk mode. Et Voila I’m in and can get that data from the hard drive as though it was an external HDD.

    Why the Apple “genius” didn’t share this option with me? They don’t actually care about helping.

    And that’s the rub with Apple. They don’t give a fuck about their users or developers. Just want to herd them around to make more money off their overpriced garbage.

  • I hardly use mine. I bring it with me on plane rides but find myself just watching movies instead. Trying to play on a plane and having to share an arm rest, idk it works out better in my head than in practice.

    I find I really need to play a game consistently to stay interested, and that makes the deck hard cuz I reserve lighter games for it, like ori, but since I play so infrequently I don’t really end up being interested in the game I startup on there.

    OTOH I play PC regularly, no battery concerns, much larger screen, better visual fidelity. The deck just isn’t reinforcing enough.

  • soloner@lemmy.worldtoWorld News@lemmy.worldChina is hoarding the world's gold
    8 months ago

    That makes more sense… they historically (culturally?) value jewelry over money due to the economic fluctuations that have occurred over time. Oftentimes they rely on precious metals for savings as it holds value better.

    Add to the fact that there’s over a billion ppl it stands to reason they may have accumulated more gold than most countries.

    But idk where fort Knox stands in comparison, so maybe USA has more gold even so.

  • soloner@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.mlGoing from nvidia to amd
    10 months ago

    I don’t understand this community… it’s like discussion can’t be had because people’s opinions of linux get in the way of it somehow.

    I don’t have any expertise here or I would offer my thoughts. Just frustrated to see the top comments not being helpful at all.