• 26 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • It’s also a great path to getting people to do what you want. I was already an atheist when my father and I had a philosophical discussion regarding religion when I was an adolescent. He brought up this point early in the discussion. I only need to look around at all the bullshit laws getting passed that religious zealots vote for against their own interest to confirm that this is true.

    The Southern Baptist Church just had their annual conference and decided that their position on Invitro Fertilization is against the procedure. How does that help anyone? It doesn’t.

  • I questioned whether I’d misread that bit of the article, so thanks for clarifying with a quote. Same as people who lost their jobs for joining in at J6. Your politics fueled violence. I have no sympathy. I say that as someone who will be on a list if fascists truly come to power in the USA. Mine will be for thought crimes. These are for real crimes. I’m sure there are minor nuances where I’d be willing to concede something went too far as almost all enforcement runs into grey areas from time to time, but this is far from persecuting people for the way they voted.