• 42 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • Why would I change either?

    I mean, I’m a hoopy frood, So I know where my towel is, and it’s full of all kinds of nutrients due to the competing microbes that compose its flora. You don’t just waste that kind of ecosystem by changing towels every decade.

    And sheets? What about the memories? Every stain is a mark of something wonderful that happened. Except the ones that are marks of something horrific that happened. Or the ones that are just spilled beverages. But, you know, that’s still plenty of good memories you want washed down the drain, you animal you.

  • The comparison between a ball like that and a drag club isn’t unrealistic.

    You have queens and their hangers on at the top of the social ladder, all these factions warring for space on the dance floor (territory), you’ve got gossip and affairs, there’s courtiers vying to woo the “maidens”, there’s music and dancing.

    Then you had me and my fellow guardsmen keeping the peace and dealing with the envoys from other nations (the silly groups of women coming in to giggle with the gays), and the too frequent war raids of the enemy (bigots).

    But, back in the office was the wily King, managing his lands and expanding them as much as possible to increase prosperity (mostly his, but it did actually trickle down, he was a great king. . . er, boss).

    Newcomers to high drag society often needed a guide, lest they offend the wrong queen and be dragged out of the palace by a guardsman. Or, you know, end up with a stiletto stuck in them. Usually a shoe, but some of the queens carried the other kind too; a lady has to protect herself from the rabble.

  • Otters would be bears, but they’re twinks.

    Bears and otters both share being fairly hairy to some degree. Bears is usually applied to bigger men, and also typically to masculine presenting men as well as being past the mid twenties in age.

    Otters may or may not be bigger, but are typically much more feminine presenting. You will sometimes see it applied more to small, hairy men, but that goes back to slang being variable by default.

    Now, to complicate matters, there are also cubs. Cubs are just young bears. This means that they may well be smaller and less hairy than most bears, and will get lumped in with otters despite otters being feminine presenting as the standard usage of the term.

  • The kind of scream you might do in fear or anger doesn’t work exactly the same as when it’s done in a controlled way.

    The answers already present cover how to scream as a vocal technique way better than I could (I can only growl, I’ve never managed to get a proper metal scream). But the kind of scream that you make involuntarily tends to be made by the vocal cords being stretched tight. You can’t scream like that in a sustained way without it hurting. Too much air pressure being pushed through very taut cords, it just isn’t healthy. It’s also more of a head/throat generated sound and will be higher pitched.

    If you want some awesome insight into the various vocal techniques used in metal, there’s a YouTube channel called “the charismatic voice”. The lady that does the channel is an opera singer that has turned into a metal fan, and is now doing research with a university. They recently did some amazing work with the vocalist Will Ramos, from lorna shore. MRIs, electric readings, cameras, etc. They’re building a body of research into “harsh” vocals.

    But the channel as a whole, she’s watching/listening to videos of music, with it leaning heavily into metal. She talks about the mechanics of how the vocalists do it, and she goes in depth.

    With that said, what you were doing, trying to yell for your friend to get their attention, that’s more projecting your voice. When you pull the air in deep, and push from the stomach up, using your body to support that push, you can be very loud with zero distortion. Volume of the voice is all about moving air efficiently. Ever see a movie or show with a drill sergeant barking orders across a big group of soldiers? That’s projection. It’s the same basic techniques that opera singers and stage actors use. It’s all about the air and the way you use the diaphragm with your entire body.

    Anyway, some links

    The channel I mentioned

    The footage with the research

    Some loud vocalizations that aren’t distorted but are musical

    A quickie tutorial on the basic technique of growling

    And one for the fry scream

    That growl technique is essentially the same as the way I learned to growl (though I’m not very good at it), and it matches one another user described in text.

    But, no bullshit, if you’re projecting your voice that clearly a block away, that’s fucking legit power. I can’t sing for shit, just can’t hold notes steady enough to be enjoyed by other people. But I tried. Getting to the point of being able to project my speaking voice clearly over a distance took months of work. So, if you can do that, you can absolutely learn to metal scream/growl, and likely be good at it.

  • Well, it kinda depends on who you’re talking to.

    Now, up front, trans rights are human rights, and it’s a fact that sexual orientation is not inherently linked to gender.

    That being said, not everyone knows that second part.

    Bigots would definitely object to all of it, but ignorance != bigotry until it becomes willful ignorance.

    There are people that are new to the idea of transgender issues.

    I’ll use a real life example paraphrased. I have older family still. Folks in their nineties. They don’t know many/any trans people. They don’t really get their news from anything but the standard broadcast networks.

    One uncle in specific, he tries hard. But he’s usually at least a decade behind any social issues because he just stays on his farm and works all day. And that’s with him being almost 80. When gay marriage became legal via Obergefel (spelling?), the guy said, and this isn’t paraphrased “hain’t they always been able to?”. Totally disconnected dude. He thought all the stuff he was hearing about was people trying to make it illegal because dude is just that off grid and didn’t even finish his freshman year of high school.

    So, the trans issues come into public awareness, and eventually the subject comes up at a July 4th party. The guy didn’t know the difference between someone like Bob hope doing drag and being trans. He said something along the lines of “oh, you mean like Bob hope useta do!”.

    We get that straightened out in his head, and his only response was “well I’ll be damned, them doctors can do anything”.

    Then, this subject came up maybe two years ago, that sexual orientation and gender don’t have to be linked. The little enclave of my generation and the younger set that lean way left of center were babbling about some story in the news, and he was just sitting there with his brow furrowed, sipping on a beer.

    His question was something along the lines of, “but if’n he’s into girls, why’s he want to be one? He could just stay a boy.” We did our best to explain, and he eventually got the idea. His response was “huh. Seems like a whole lotta work, but hain’t nonea my nevermind”.

    In other words, you’re right, lesbian would be the right term, but it wouldn’t necessarily be the obvious term to everyone right off the bat. Concepts have to spread. It takes time to happen, and there’s always someone that’s going to be the last person to get the idea.

    What I’m looking forward to is my uncle hearing about trans people that don’t want bottom surgery.

  • You can easily find HR staff that are wonderful as individuals. Plenty of them.

    But HR as an entity isn’t about providing resources to humans, it’s about managing humans as resources. They aren’t there to help employees, though they may do that indirectly sometimes. They’re there to help employers, and even the best individuals doing the job are still doing that job of helping the employer as their primary goal.

    Even the best people can be worn down by doing the job and turn into the soulless drone, if they can’t/don’t think they can leave the job.

    The only HR department I’ve ever trusted was at a home health agency that was owned by a single person who set the standards, and there were two HR employees that really were there to help balance the company’s needs with the employees’. It was evident in everything they did, and the boss would abide by their decisions even if it cost her.

    But! At any point in time, she could have completely done away with that methodology. And that’s why HR as a thing can never be trusted

  • Yeah, Ubuntu overall, but it depends on which version of each.

    Windows 7, I’m so familiar with and have a collection of programs for without having to download anything, it would be fine for my needs, neither better or worse than Ubuntu. The only inherent improvement for my use case is the up to date security of a newer, supported OS.

    I don’t game on pc currently because it just fucking hurts to sit in the chair long enough to play anything worth playing. I don’t do anything that requires Adobe products. That means Linux is going to be as good as an out of date windows on any version from the same time as when 7 lost support, and likely older versions too. There’s no functional difference in the kind of use I’d put either to. Again my use case.

    So it comes down to security between versions.

    Now, if I’m forced to pick between any more recent windows versions and any Ubuntu version, no way am I using windows unless it’s via VM. 8 was bad enough I wasn’t willing to move from 7. 10 jumped the shark and made me start using Linux to begin with. 11? Fuck no. Just no. Won’t do it. Won’t buy anything that has it and can’t be immediately loaded with something else.

    However, canonical can fuck itself with snaps. Ubuntu works fine, I have no issues with anything other than snap really. I prefer mint w/cinnamon for my debian offspring, but that’s a different subject.

    Ubuntu was the first distro I tried back when windows 10 came out and it became obvious what Microsoft was really trying to do. It was good enough that I dual booted with it and windows 7 for a long while, until I tried mint/cinnamon.

    That computer still dual boots 7 and mint, it’s my media player. No internet connection, and whatever version of mint was on there when I got my newer box. I would have moved out to mint only, but musicbee. Can’t stand the available music players for Linux. I’ve tried them all over the years, and they can’t hold up to musicbee’s features. I also haven’t had success with the available ways to use musicbee on linux. I try every year or two though.

  • If you have a wound open enough for the coffee to get into the bloodstream directly, you won’t be drinking anything, much less coffee. But the amounts you’d be able to get in that way, it would be negligible. Not enough to have any increase in the effects of caffeine for sure.

    Tbh, even if you’re holding the coffee in your mouth, have an open wound, and are applying pressure you force the coffee into the wound, you’re talking a drop of actual coffee that would get into your system. There’s not enough caffeine in that to do anything compared to swallowing the mouthful instead.

    It’s one of those things where you’d have to jump through so many hoops you get even a single sip of coffee into the bloodstream through the mouth that it might as well be impossible. Just holding the coffee in there and letting any of the chemicals in it get into your system passively through absorption would net you a higher amount of caffeine than trying to get it in the capillaries more directly.

  • Ahhh, it shouldn’t change absorption. I can’t be certain, but there’s no reason that it should purely because of a tonsillectomy.

    I would suspect some kind of medication interaction before any changes to absorption.

    If anything, the inflammation would be more likely to decrease the amounts absorbed orally.

    That would go for any surgery I can think of.

    The caveat being that I’m not a doctor, much less an oral surgeon.

    But I’m sitting here running through things in my head that might cause a change in perceived caffeine affect. I still think the most likely cause would be changes brought on by whatever anaesthetic was used, or post surgical medications.

    Could be the empty stomach and/or having previous caffeine out of your system entirely, but that would only be the case if you’re a fairly steady coffee drinker, but not a heavy one. Someone that’s mainlining lifer’s juice would have such high tolerance it wouldn’t change at all. A light drinker, say a small cup with breakfast might notice a change post surgery, but it’s a pretty dubious might.

    I dunno, that’s all I got.