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Joined 20 days ago
Cake day: March 7th, 2025


  • The 1% exist because the boomers voted for Reagan and voted for Trump.

    And it’s not that boomers are better off dead-- my mama is a boomer, and I love my mama!

    Everyone who knows her does!

    My mama is an indigenous woman who lives on a mountain, probably has negative carbon footprint on this planet because she never wants anything but good company and old-ass movies. She is always out there helping strangers, taking stray dogs to the vet to get spayed, picking up trash, planting flowers, etc.

    She’s happy.

    But even she’s like “I’m ready to peace out, the world’s too complicated for me, most my family is suffering, and all the people I grew up are dead or dying.”

    That’s not what very powerful boomers like Trump, Netanyahu, Pelosi, Schumer, Mr. Brain-worm-with-measles, etc. are doing, and there’s a ton of them that will not step down until death takes them.

    Hopefully we’ll all be the wiser from this experience, about prioritizing happiness over control.

  • I hear you, if you think about this:

    Technocrats are a group of people.

    Boomers are an enormous generational cohort.

    A cohort that is really struggling to let go of power and allow their descendants to shape the world.

    Most of them were raised to always put their careers first, so that’s all they know how to do-- they don’t know how to just smoke a blunt and chill like the cool boomers do.

    Likewise, while I’m undoubtedly one of the cool millennials, the time will come when it will be obvious to me that it is time for us millennials and our antiquated ways to go, and allow the new world to use the resources and the space we will leave behind.

    It’s part of the natural cycle of life on this planet.

    So it behooves us to do everything we can so that our descendants are mostly sad that we are gone, instead of deeply relieved we’re finally dead.

  • Years ago, I read a scientific journal article about how male elephant aggression increased drastically after the older male elephants (bulls) in the herd were killed by poachers and hunters for their big tusks.

    The article explained that the bulls provided structure for the younger males by basically slapping them over the back of the head whenever the younger males did something not very cash money.

    Not only that, the bulls were also role models for the younger dudes on how to sweet talk the ladies, because after the bulls were killed, the lady elephants were rejecting the younger male elephants because they were huge fucking douches-- even the fucking elephants are dealing with incels.

    All it takes is the removal of safety nets in our communities, and their absence means we are all struggling really hard to work, parent, volunteer, teach, and mentor all these children growing up while being aware their whole childhood that the future looks really bleak for them.

    I think younger generations are angry and depressed, and that’s coming out as racism, sexism, transphobia, anti-immigrant rhetoric, etc. They are flocking to Joe Rogan because their only friend at school got into Joe Rogan and well, they don’t have other older gentler friends to smack them upside the head with the elephant trunk of wisdom.

    Society has failed them, so they want to change it to what they think would work for them.

    If we take the time to engage with as many young people as we can, and provide hope and guidance, we can better combat the red pilling.

    Many of us do not take the time to coach youth sports, do the big brother/sister program, or volunteer to help at community events for children.

    So when these kids grow up, they don’t have a healthy ring of cool adult models to emulate or ask advice from.

    I am proud to say I have many friends 10-20 years younger than me, and I have loved watching and helping to guide them all to grow into compassionate and thoughtful adults.

    And at least one of them started out as a red pill incel, so you have me to think for turning him to the side of compassion, love, and critical thinking.

    You are ALL welcome-- it weren’t easy.

  • The boomers will die eventually, and with them, their antiquated ideas.

    The world is now aware billionaires are a huge issue and countries around the world are taking more precautions to prevent what is happening to the USA from happening in their countries.

    Religious fascists will always be an issue, but we can combat that with education, taxing churches, and persecuting people like Alex Jones, Joe Rogan, and Elon Musk.

    That’s why they all rallied behind Trump-- they know their days are numbered and the people want their fat heads in the guillotines.

  • “AOC is amazing, but…”

    I have never understood this rhetoric.

    She is more than qualified, has enough experience where she is out there educating her colleagues & the public about governmental processes and barriers, AND she speaks in a way that resonates with the working class AND younger generations.

    Her Among Us Twitch stream was a brilliant way to connect with her younger constituents and made her approachable.

    She does the same thing Bernie does, going out to rural America and speaking with the working class voters that feel unheard and abandoned.

    At Congress, she ain’t fucking scared to speak truth to power.

    And most important, she has demonstrated that she is impossible to buy.

    This whole rhetoric that because she’s a woman Americans won’t vote for her:

    No. Hilary is a crook and she still won the popular vote. If the electoral college wasn’t a thing, she would have been president.

    Kamala came in way too fucking late thanks to Biden. But even so, her policies were still pandering to corporations and the rich, although it is undeniable she would have been vastly superior to Trump which is why she got my vote.

    Whether America is ready for a female president or not is not the issue.

    America needs someone who will be strong against corporate interests and bring forth universal healthcare.

  • I used to buy a ton of Amazon stuff. Mostly art supplies, pet supplies, clothes, novelties I didn’t need.

    One day, I was browsing Reddit and I was like-- “what is this boycott thing all about?” and then I started by not ordering for one whole day!

    Then one whole week!

    Then one whole month!

    Anyway, I ended up cancelling my Prime subscription, deleting my Amazon account completely, and cancelling my Prime Store credit card.

    Then at work, for Valentine’s Day, we each received a $200 dollar Amazon gift card as an employee appreciation gift.

    I spoke up and said that I would prefer to receive cash or nothing at all because my values did not align with Amazon-- which caused many of my coworkers to decline theirs as well.

    It was so perplexing to leadership, that they decided that going forward they are just going to give us a $200 cash bonus on our paychecks

    So anyways, that’s the impact one of these “pointless” boycott posts had on me.