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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • It’s crazy when you think about it. They picked up their lives, sold their homes in southern california, and moved to fucking central florida of all places. It’s such a massive, massive downgrade in every conceivable category to move from socal to central florida. Then to have the company that mandated this (probably under threat of termination) pull a bait-and-switch once the employees and their families had moved, I’d be lawyering up and suing too. I’d sue them to make me whole – put me back in the same neighborhood I left, in a same or better house (with the same or better loan amount and terms), and offset any losses (with interest) related to moving, my spouse’s loss of job and income, provide equivalent income and job placement for my spouse until they find an equal or better job, and guarantee my employment at current job and comp for the next 10 years (with a sparkling golden parachute if they terminate me earlier).

  • If you attack it head on you have a very short window of opportunity before it’s past you

    So, you have to be accurate. Like we’ve been doing for hundreds of years with projectiles, even non-guided ones. Check.

    if you try from the side you’ll have to be really really good at geometry

    So… good like as in a computer doing the math? Check.

    And that thing won’t go in a straight line while it’s in enemy range.

    Bad news friend, they can’t turn for shit due to ground effect, and they can’t ascend or descend either. There’s a reason these things were immediately abandoned as a viable concept after only 3 years in operation and without seeing any combat.

  • What do you mean “not quite”? Those shares were part of his compensation / pay. OP is exactly right – tech executive gets paid millions regardless of actual performance (in this case very poor performance that likely resulted in him being shown the door). Meanwhile, there are folks in this country who can’t afford shelter or a meal.

    Next time Spotify should hire a homeless person as CFO for half as much as the ousted CFO. Same job performance results, but they’d save millions and actually do some good in the process.