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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • no package manager should put stuff into /usr/local, thats why its /usr/local. package manager should only put stuff into /usr/… not /usr/local. In the past some mainframes mounted these directory via nfs to do some kind of software management. It contains global stuff that is not managed by the package manager. install some software via “tarball and make” and it most likely puts everything into /usr/local/…

    It’s the best location for your needs. /home/shared is a bad idea. /home is reserved for home directories not some shared stuff.

    /usr/local is specifically what you are asking for. i would put themes to /usr/local/share/themes for example. chances are gtk will already look there. You can manage permissions inside /usr/local as you like. since the package manager doesn’t care for that directory there is no problem. giving write permissions only to root still is a good idea. it suggest to learn to use sudo when you are working on your system.

  • Im most interested in encrypted homedirs for servers. Since all my collegues are to lazy to use encrypted ssh keys, i hoped that systemd-homed makes it possible to secure them from the root user.

    Is systemd-homed already useable for such usecase? If gnome will do the same for desktops, that would be a big plus, thinking about firefox profiles and such. Hopefully also using pam or kerberos for decryption.

    I’ll look into fuse though, thanks for the hint

  • Ich würde das Wohlergehen der Mehrheit immer der Möglichkeit jemanden doch noch verknacken zu können vor ziehen.

    Ein Schuldiger, der trotz neuer Beweise nicht verurteilt wird, ist mir lieber als die potentielle Gefahr, das tausende unschuldige immer wieder aufs neue vor Gericht müssen.

    Ist doch bei der Unschuldsvermutung das gleiche. Besser ein Schuldiger geht Straffrei aus, als das ein Unschuldiger verurteilt wird.

    Ist natürlich für die geschädigten Ärgerlich, aber seien wir mal ehrlich: was bringt es einem Opfer, wenn der Täter verurteilt wird? Im Endeffekt eigentlich nichts. Strafen sind meiner Meinung nach als Abschreckung gedacht, nicht damit das Opfer sich besser fühlt.

    Just my two cents…

  • this_is_router@feddit.detoEurope@feddit.deWell, this is something!
    8 months ago

    do you know how long it takes until a nuclear powerplant is planned and built?

    Until then renewables are 20x cheaper then nuclear power.

    the debate has gone one or the other way for years. the people don’t want nuclear power, only our conservative, corrupt parties want it and try to push it every few years; thankfully without any luck.

  • this_is_router@feddit.detoLinux@lemmy.mlOpinions on immutable distros
    9 months ago

    its an easy: sudo apt install task-kde-desktop; sudo apt purge task-gnome-desktop; sudo apt autopurge

    In testing or unstable this can be a problem though.

    I feel like, many people just don’t understand exactly how a distro and package managers work. immutable os feels like it allows priotizing only on on a small core part of the distribution which is immutable and slapping everything else on via flatpak or snap.

    i don’t like it and i sometimes wonder if we are not going backwards with that approach.

  • Me too. Stable packages, unlike everyone thinks, doesn’t mean it is bug free, it means that the software versions don’t change. And that exactly lets me enable unattended-upgrades and forget about the server for years, without risking to fubar the system because of some config changes or new options