Reddit -> Beehaw until I decided I didn’t like older versions of Lemmy (though it seems most things I didn’t like are better now) -> (died) -> (died) -> fedia.

Japan-based backend software dev.

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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2024


  • Work has me using my current phone for alerts on my on-call rotation. I asked them to send me a pager instead if I can’t properly filter the alerts (Jira on Android has at least 2 sets of notification settings and then there are settings apparently within Jira. I was getting basically every Jira, Confluence, etc. message).

  • Seconded. I would have issues that kept getting worse as I got older. I noticed that whenever I did keto, I felt much better. When I combined it with going gluten free, I felt amazing. Well, dad gets diagnosed with Celiac and my old DNA test results mentioned I was a carrier and more likely to develop it. I haven’t had the endoscopy yet, but it’s pretty likely. This sucks as I love bread and baking it.

    Anyway, if gluten is an issue, rice flour can be used for a lot of things and corn/potato starch is a good thickener (whichever is cheaper where you are).

  • Japan? Liberal Paradise? Since when???

    My thoughts exactly. It is left of the US on a few things like social safety net and healthcare, but mostly the same (which, compared to much of the western world is still quite far to the right).

    hating of foreigners, especially gaijin

    Wat? What do you think that word means?

    would be fairly ostracized unless they spoke perfect Japanese.


    There are growing trends in the youth, but their conservative patriarchy is still holding strong for now.

    Getting them to vote would help. Obviously anecdotal, but a lot of young adults I knew didn’t vote.

    I’m from the US and have been living in Japan almost a decade. I don’t speak perfect Japanese by any stretch, but I can generally handle myself unless we get into certain medical jargon or legalese. I own a house and a small farm. Your premise on being ostracized is false, however; racists gonna racist so policies or people that exclude others aren’t generally going to give a shit if the person speaks flawless Japanese. On the other hand, I think the internet has a kinda warped view of what living here is like and how foreigners are treated. There is racism, particularly in trying to get an apartment. I’ve also been treated like a normal person more than I’ve ever been treated like some outside or zoo exhibition.