Supply for high quality white sand used for almost all glass making will be exhausted in 2037, according to British Geologist Michael Welland.
There will be a point in the near future where recycling glass will be less expensive than sourcing high quality sand.
You should read the motion. The motion to suppress isn’t based mistaken identity or identity. The Motion is based around how officers detained/seized the Defendant and items unlawfully. Officers did not give the Defendant the ability to leave (seizure) which means their actions rise to an “investigative detention.” This is a violation of the 4th Amendment and the 14th amendment.
The Officers detained the Defendant to Interrogate him and because he was not free to leave, the should have Mirandized him at that point. The Officers failed to Mirandize the Defendant during a custodial interrogation which is a violation of the 5th Amendment.
While I don’t think it was in the PA Defense filing: at one of the hearings there was questions about the chain of custody of the backpack. This could also lead to suppression of evidence (as I believe the gun wasn’t found until after the police took the bag to the station—but I can’t find the source that mentioned this fact now so I’m not sure if this specific facts is accurate anymore).