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Cake day: March 11th, 2025

  • You should read the motion. The motion to suppress isn’t based mistaken identity or identity. The Motion is based around how officers detained/seized the Defendant and items unlawfully. Officers did not give the Defendant the ability to leave (seizure) which means their actions rise to an “investigative detention.” This is a violation of the 4th Amendment and the 14th amendment.

    The Officers detained the Defendant to Interrogate him and because he was not free to leave, the should have Mirandized him at that point. The Officers failed to Mirandize the Defendant during a custodial interrogation which is a violation of the 5th Amendment.

    While I don’t think it was in the PA Defense filing: at one of the hearings there was questions about the chain of custody of the backpack. This could also lead to suppression of evidence (as I believe the gun wasn’t found until after the police took the bag to the station—but I can’t find the source that mentioned this fact now so I’m not sure if this specific facts is accurate anymore).

  • Hmmm then we are deeper into this than the world has realized. I think the gilded sheen is still there—but the rot underneath is deeper than the outside thinks.

    Meaning, the mass protests that broke out in the millions across the country from 2017 to 2020–that era was the “protest era.”

    What are we in now? Sure as hell not a protest era. We are way beyond.

    As someone who has closely studied the evolution of spycraft from Ancient Intelligence to the development of the modern Intelligence Community—I know that because of my knowledge—I feel exactly as you say here. If I am taken out now for being too open or too loud, the side of humanity loses me in the fight. And it is so god damn easy to misstep.

    We are and have been under massive constant surveillance. The facial scanning at airports has expanded to the physical border if you’re crossing by land. They say they delete your photo—but I assume they’re instead storing the biometrics. This is and will be used against us.

    The tech companies in control know most of us better than we know ourselves. We are tracked every second of every day. They don’t need warrants when they already have access to profiles of data on almost every human in America. Even if we were in a normal world—the constitution generally doesn’t apply to private corporations. This is and will be used against us.

    There is no safety “protesting” or organizing unless it’s done in a tight, cell operations that have some communication in between but function so that if one goes down the network stays intact. Intelligence and resistance groups survive when they’re federated.

    Master’s tools cannot dismantle the master’s house. Organizing on a mass scale across the country without using any tech that touches our adversaries right now is not possible. So, first we must figure out how to share information quickly and easily in a way that excludes big tech capture and government capture.

    Figuring this independent communication hurdle out is more important right now than getting out on the street with a geotagged phone and smiling for a drone who is sure to snag your biometric data. And I’m saying this as someone who believes in the people protesting (and who has been in full scale car tipping rubber bullets everything on fire riots).

  • I’ve got a friend in Quebec that told me that they’d “wish Trump would hurry up already and make Canada the 51st state.” I also know a Canadian trucker that joined the line during that trucker protest over…whatever it was they thought they were protesting.

    I was in Düsseldorf recently and met a UK resident (fluent in German) who was nuts for Musk.

    It’s a problem that has spread to many other countries. In fact, I’d argue that right wing populism is all part of the same swing and it’s only the most cartoonishly evil in America.

  • Oh that’s interesting. Thank you it’s great to know. I was just quoting Meloni directly—she’s stated verbatim in speeches last September (if my memory is correct) that she sees Russia as a threat. Now, do we take her word for it? Probably not. Probably not. It was a my a talk about EU/Nato defense spending.

    I agree with you here-she’s absolutely saying one thing to the EU and keeping a backup plan with Putin. That’s what I really think too.

    It’s funny you mention Locusts. I mentioned this analogy to someone recently. I see it exactly the same. Locusts triggering serotonin spikes in otherwise normal grasshoppers to join their locust swarm. And the swarm consumes and eats everything. And then when there’s nothing left to eat they eat each other and die.

    Lack of territory, lack of resource, and high population density make locusts. I don’t think we are that much different .

  • Yeah exactly. Meloni has ripped apart lesbian families already. She’s only pro-EU because she’s Italy First. Italy is in the EU. Right now, this suits her position.

    But she also praised Trump when he was elected. And while she sees Putin as a threat to Italy, she is ideologically closer to Trump than she is to the EU in many ways.

    I’ll take your word on her praising Orban. Meloni is sharp and she understands posture and signals. This is a signal.

    Ultimately she’ll probably fall in line with the other fascists. I feel like Italy could flip to Axis/Anerica/Russia if it gets bad enough. Which is one of my long term fears.

    So, I agree with you. I’m rooting for the EU. Italy hasn’t had a good leader in a very very long time.

    1. Lesbians can have children on their own if they have sperm from a bank. I met a couple doing that last year and I’ve known lesbian couples who have raised really beautiful families this way.

    2. Gay men use surrogates or they adopt. Not very different from how Musk uses surrogates with his baby mamas. Also, it’s not uncommon for gay men to marry women and have children.

    3. Bisexual people can be attracted to any type of human. Bisexuals are often in straight looking couples. You probably know a lot of bisexuals without knowing it. Bisexuals often marry each other, too in M/F pairing. Unless bisexuals are sterile they have no issues having children. They very often do. But they can also use all other fertility methods.

    4. Trans people can have children. This includes trans men (biological women who transition can still get pregnant). And trans women (men who transition can still get others pregnant). Both can be in relationships with people that can either get them pregnant or get their partner pregnant. I actually knew a trans man who got pregnant multiple times by their non-trans husband.

    5. Queer is a huge group and it includes Asexual people. Asexual people can still have sex, get pregnant, and get others pregnant.

    6. Adoption and surrogates are open to all people. Including normal straight couples. Anyone can have children if they want children. In America, parenthood is a fundamental right.

  • I have been wondering the same thing. It would be useful to have an active docket of the DOJ for all cases against large corporations and how many now lose steam or have the lead attorneys replaced.

    I also worry about the whistleblower program. If you are a corporate whistleblower, if the government wins on your tip you get around 15%-ish of the takings. So, whistleblowing on something big enough can net you a few million USD or more. Something else to watch. I assume this will break quickly too under this administration.