I’ve never liked earbuds but I’ve thought about picking some up recently due to my recent obsession with podcasts (wearing huge over ear headphones just for podcasts feels silly).
Do you have any recommendations? Initially I wanted AirPods (for the convenience) but the audio quality is just awful. I was actually looking at some Audio-Technica ones recently.
When you have poor insulation then the colder it gets the higher you want to set your thermostat because the indoor temperature reading won’t be as accurate since your exterior walls are leaking.
Additionally, we like to open our doors when it’s warm enough outside but also sometimes when it’s freezing cold. Using inputs from the door sensors, outdoor temperature and indoor temperature I can automate fans and switching off heaters.
Love that all you random fucks assume I’m a moron, thanks for that. Can’t get enough of the dumbass hivemind logic on Lemmy.